Page 115 of No Going Back
“I know you’re here alone. That intrigues me. A lone American soldier, looking for information on Reborn. That is why you are here, is it not?”
Tyler remained silent, unsure where this was going. The man nodded and the guard to his right left the room.
“Tyler Mason... or should I say Dr. John Walker.”
Fuck. How the hell did they know who he was?
“Your team have proven to be... difficult... in Reborn’s plans.”
“We’re not done yet. You killed our brothers. Payback’s a bitch.” Tyler held the man’s gaze.
“It is indeed. We come at you. You come at us. It is how you say... like a game of chess.”
The guard returned with a camera and a tripod. Tyler’s stomach dropped as he watched him set it up. This wasn’t good.
“Now it seems, it is my move.” The man sneered.
“Who are you?” he asked again. If he could keep him talking, buy some time, he might think of a way to get himself out of this.
“My name is Hakim Aziz. I believe you have been looking for my brother.”
Shit, that’s why he looked familiar. Were there any more members of this damn family that were going to show up as part of Reborn?
“Nothing happens here without me knowing. I understand you helped my great-nephew yesterday at the hotel. Thank you for that.” Hakim looked amused. “Our enemy helping our family.”
Asma had not showed any recognition of him. But maybe someone had been curious about the American doctor who helped her son. He thought he’d dodged the cameras. It didn't matter now. These men knew who he was, and they had no plans to let him walk out of here.
“So, you do the dirty work for your brother and Reborn?” Tyler taunted.
“I am Reborn. I created it. I had the calling to bring the word of the New Dawning of Allah. To cleanse the world of non-believers and bring peace to those that join us.”
Interesting. So Lazir was never top of the chain? He’d never given that up during his interrogations, and CIA had never indicated there was anyone above him.
“Ah... I see you are trying to work it out.”
“Why don’t you enlighten me, seeing as you are going to kill me anyway.”
As if on cue, one of the guards handed Hakim a machete. Tyler swallowed, refusing to let them see his fear. He had no chance against four men. This was happening. They were going to decapitate him on camera and either broadcast it live or send the video afterward.
“Our family is united in our purpose. Lazir is our family. He is a great man. We chose him to spread the word of the New Dawning of Allah and build our own army to cleanse the world of non-believers and avenge what Americans have done to our country. We know you have Lazir stashed away in one of your black sites. He is a hero to us. His silence and sacrifice is an inspiration to us all. We will not stop until we secure his freedom.”
“We’ve captured more Reborn soldiers than just him. You don’t care about the rest?”
“Sacrifice is expected of our soldiers. My brother vowed to his daughter we would get her husband back. You understand... family... yes?”
“The USA will never agree to release him.” Tyler could guarantee that. Lazir had murdered American military, mutilated their bodies. Not to mention, he’d held Kelly hostage. No way in hell they would let him walk.
“Who said anything about asking for him to be released? I can be patient. Our time will come. In the meantime, we will continue our work. Did you see the bombing last week? In your hometown? You are not untouchable. The great USA can and has been infiltrated.”
Sweat beaded on Tyler’s forehead as one of the guards switched on the camera.
“It is time to send a message. I want all of your team, but Allah has brought you to me first. This is how it is meant to be. Let this be a message to your famous American military.”
Hakim stepped forward, tying a scarf over his lower face. Tyler strained against the ropes, feeling them cut into his skin. The two armed guards held him still as Hakim lifted the machete and placed it against his neck. He faced the camera and spoke in Pashtu, reciting the will of Allah and the many sins of Americans.
Tyler closed his eyes, his body rigid, braced in fear. He was going to die. Alone. At the hands of the terrorists he had fought for ten years. The organization he had come here to take down. The worst part, his team would see this. Mira would see this. He had failed them. All of them. The only people he had ever called family.
Mira, beautiful Mira. He should never have come here. He should have been there when she woke up. Perhaps this was his punishment, what he deserved. He’d failed so many people in his life. Perhaps this was how it was meant to end. But dammit, he didn’t want to die, not like this, not here, not at the hands of Hakim Aziz. Not alone.