Page 118 of No Going Back
Steve sped up, getting off the main road, heading toward the mountains. Though he kept a good distance between them, the cars kept on coming. The van was old, not exactly made for speed. They had barely made it out of town when a bullet shattered the back window. Steve had been forced to slow down for a sharp bend.
“Shame they don’t realize we’re on the same side,” Mackie drawled.
“Mackie, Donnie, provide cover fire. Ryan and I will take the tires.”
Mackie slid open the van’s side door. Donnie lowered the front passenger window in preparation. Tyler moved to open the other sliding door.
“Ty, you don’t need...”
“I got it,” he cut Dex off. No fucking way was he sitting back when his team were in trouble because of him. Dex nodded and turned back to his own task.
Another round of bullets hit the back of the van.
“On me,” Dex said, waiting for a lull in gunfire. He didn’t have to wait long. “Now.”
Donnie, Tyler and Mackie hung out of the van, shooting at the vehicles behind, making sure they only hit the vehicles, not the people inside. Dex and Ryan, taking aim through the broken back windows, took out the first car’s tires. It swerved and veered off the road. The second car zig-zagged behind them, trying to avoid the same fate. Bullets continued to slam into the van’s body. Dex and Ryan’s gazes darted over the situation. Then, without speaking, they fired simultaneously. The front right tire shredded, and the car spun around out of control.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here, Steve,” Dex shouted. “There will be more on route.”
The boys closed the doors and Steve gunned it, heading back to the highway. Dex and Ryan kept an eye out the back window.
“Looks like we’re clear for now. They’ll be looking for this van. We need to ditch it, get another vehicle,” Dex said.
“I have a truck.” Tyler looked at his boss.
“Stolen or bought?”
“Bought it.” Stealing one would have meant the police would be looking for it.
“How far?”
“Get off the highway, next exit, just a few minutes away.”
“Alright, let’s go for it.”
Tyler directed Steve and within ten minutes they were back at the café. They dumped the van at the rear of the market among several other vehicles.
“Guys, let’s split up, draw less attention. Keep weapons out of sight. Meet at the truck. Stay on coms. Ty, with me.”
Tyler didn’t argue. Dex was just keeping an eye on him and right now, he appreciated it. He wasn't afraid to admit he was more than a little shaken. A part of him was still back in that room, waiting for the blade to hit his throat. It was going to take some time to get that image out of his head.
Sirens blared in the distance, undoubtedly converging on the dead bodies at the house and the two disabled vehicles. The market was busy with people going about their business like any other day. Perfect cover for them. They reached Tyler’s truck without incident.
“Damn, Tyler, you actually bought this?” Donnie teased. The team studied the truck. It was meant to be pale blue in color, but it was more orange and brown due to the large patches of rust creeping all over the body. One of the side mirrors had been smashed and the passenger door looked like someone had kicked it in. The open back had wooden benches, with a frame and an old gray tarp as cover. No leather seats and A.C. here.
“It has wheels and an engine, what more do you need?”
“I hope you got AAA.”
The guys laughed as they settled in the back, closing the tarp over their heads. Steve took the wheel and the truck rumbled off back toward the highway. The truck blended in, not drawing any unwanted attention, exactly why Tyler had bought it. Tyler sat back and listened as the guys shot the shit like it was any other day. He didn’t join in, and they didn’t push him.
Closing his eyes, he tried to push away the image of Hakim holding the machete and pressing it against his throat. His body tensed, shaking, just thinking about how close he’d come. Yeah, he’d been in a few close calls before, but his team had been with him. Alone brought a sense of fear he’d never known and never wanted to experience again. His heart pounded and his chest was tight. Leaning forward, he braced his head in hands, trying to pull himself together. You’re a fucking medic, you know how to handle shock Tyler. Deep breaths. In out. He felt a hand on his shoulder, glanced up to see Mackie looking at him concerned.
“You OK?”
He nodded, not able to speak.
Tyler wasn’t sure how much time passed but the truck came to a stop. “Ryan, Donnie.” Dex didn’t need to say anything else, the two men left to clear the house. Minutes later, Ryan came through coms.