Page 12 of No Going Back
Dinner with Mira had been one of the best evenings he’d ever spent with a woman. She was beautiful to look at, the conversation had been easy, relaxed, and he’d had more fun than he’d had in a long time. He rarely took a woman to dinner. Drinks, maybe. But dinner always seemed a bit too intimate, and he hadn’t wanted to give them the wrong idea.
Breaking it off with Mira and agreeing to be friends had been the right thing to do, but God, that kiss. He knew it was a goodbye kiss, in the sense that the steamy sexting part of their friendship was over but, damn, he couldn’t get it out of his mind. It had felt so right, like their mouths were made for each other. Everything was different with Mira. She stirred feelings inside him he’d never felt before. Feelings like what if they were in a relationship? What if he did want more?
Tyler shook the idea from his head, taking a drink. He’d been caught up in the moment. He could never be the man Mira deserved. No one had ever wanted him in their lives permanently. He lost everyone he ever dared to let himself get close to, and he didn’t want to lose Mira. Being her friend was better than nothing at all.
His teammates were the only people in his life he cared about and trusted. It had taken him years to build that trust, and they were close as a team. Brothers. But he still constantly worried about losing them. None of them knew his history. Dex knew a little, but none of them were aware of the full story, all the details. Not even Mackie, his best friend. That’s the way he planned to keep it. He didn’t want their pity or sympathy. He had learned to keep a lid on that box, and he had no intention of letting anyone in. That included Mira.
It had been a relief to get out today, hang with the boys and keep his mind occupied. The teams were on top form, and a welcome diversion. It was always good to blow off steam with the guys like this. Work hard, play hard.
Dex slid onto the stool beside him.
“Hey Jerry, two more when you’re ready.” Dex glanced at him. “You want another?”
“No, I’m good, thanks. Where’s Kelly?”
“Home. Mira and Sophie were heading over. I was told to stay out of the house for a while. Girl time.”
Tyler arched his eyebrows. “Manicures and pedicures?”
“More like gossip, wine, and real housewives.”
“They don’t know what they’re missing, not coming and hanging with us.” So that was where Mira was. He’d wondered if she would show up here and a twinge of disappointment hit him that she wouldn’t be coming. He wanted to see her. Desperately.
“That’s what I said.” Dex took the beers from Jerry. “Thanks.” He leaned over, handing one to Liam, before looking back. “Table’s empty. Fancy a game?”
“Yeah, sure.” Tyler followed him over. The rest of the guys were spread around the bar, chatting, eating, watching the ball game on the big screen.
Dex began racking them up. Tyler’s phone buzzed in his pocket. His heart skipped as he pulled it out quickly. Mira’s name showed on his lock screen.
Mira: How’s it going hanging with Nyx?
Tyler: Good. You know, boys will be boys. You didn't want to come?
Mira: Fancied some girl chat!
Tyler: I heard. What you talking about?
Mira: Wouldn’t you like to know?
He knew she was teasing and it made him smile.
Tyler: Yes I would. Should I be worried? ??
Mira: Lol. No. Don’t worry. Your name hasn’t come up...yet.
Tyler: Good to know.
Mira: Enjoy your boy time. See you at the Farm. M
No kisses, just M. It was better than nothing. Putting the phone away he looked up to see Dex watching him with a smirk. He’d already made the break and was leaning against the table waiting. Tyler realized he was grinning like a lovesick teenager. Ignoring Dex’s smirk, he moved to take a shot. And missed.
“Something got you off your game?” Dex grinned as he lined up and sank two balls.
“Fuck you,” Tyler said lightheartedly.
Dex chuckled and lined up for another shot. Tyler watched him pocket another ball with ease. Damn, he was getting creamed.
“You can come with me back to our place if you like,” Dex said, looking up when he finally missed.