Page 123 of No Going Back
“When the time comes, it will be us. Sam assured me of that. Be patient. We need to do this the right way.” Dex stood up. “Let’s get our shit together, I’ll call Sam and let him know we’re heading to exfil.”
Tyler followed Dex as he walked outside.
Dex turned.
‘I’m sorry. I mean it. I said some things to you, about Reborn, Kelly... Shit.”
“Ty, stop. I said some stuff, too. It’s done. Don’t beat yourself up over it. I got a pretty thick skin, you know.”
“So we’re good?”
“Of course we’re good.” Dex stepped forward and they gave each other a manly slap on the back hug.
Pulling back, Dex said seriously, “Just promise me you’re going to sort yourself out, do whatever it takes.”
“I promise, but what about Sam? He must be pissed.”
Dex paused before answering. “Yeah, he’s pissed, but we’re here with his blessing. My advice to you is to be as honest with him as you were with us.”
“I went rogue, broke his number one rule.”
“You did. And he could have just wiped his hands of you, but he didn't. I know he pulled in favors to get us here. This op is not official. The beauty of being Onyx and having Sam as our boss.”
“Do you think I still have a place at Onyx?”
“I think he’s not making any decisions until he speaks to you. And like I said, we have your back, and I will fight to keep you on this team. But Sam and I need to be sure you’re mentally good for the safety of all of us. We’ll talk when we get back, but expect to be benched for a while, at the very least. Part punishment, but more importantly as a chance to talk to Claire and show us you’re working through this. I’m not going to lie. You’ll need to prove to him, even more than me, that you’re fit to operate. If you can do that, I have no doubt you’ll be back with us in no time.”
“I’ll do whatever I need to. I mean it.”
“And Mira?” He had to know what her reaction had been.
“She was still in a coma when we spun up, so I haven’t spoken to her.”
“Come on, Dex. Kelly must have said something.”
Dex sighed. “She mentioned she’s a little upset, annoyed, but also very concerned. The woman loves you, Tyler. We can all see that. I’m sure she will be relieved to see you home safe.”
“Maybe I should keep my distance until I sort myself out. I don’t want to hurt her.” He wanted to see her desperately, but she’d been through so much. The last thing he wanted to do was cause her any more pain.
“Look. What you do with Mira is your business. But consider this. You’re hurting her just as bad by not letting her in. It’s your decision, Ty, but I see two people who love each other. Seems crazy to throw that away.”
“What if I let her in and it doesn’t work out?”
“What if you let her in and it does? What if you tell her everything and she helps you through it? I think you’re underestimating Mira and yourself. Mira will understand. She is one of the strongest women I know. She can handle it. You got this. Now that you’ve shared it with the team, we’re all here for you. You have all the support you need. You and Mira.”
Dex gave him another slap on the back. “I gotta call Sam. We got a long flight home. Plenty of time to think about it.”
Tyler watched Dex step away to make the call. An hour ago, he thought he was dead. Now he had his brothers back, and if he was brave enough, he may even be able to have Mira back. He’d let his team in and they hadn't judged him or thought any less of him. No pity or sympathy. Just support. Could he do that with Mira? Be that vulnerable and open up?