Page 126 of No Going Back
“I got a lot of baggage. Stuff I’ve ignored for years that I need to work through.”
“And do you want to work through it?”
He lifted his head. “Yes. I do.”
“Then you will. The Tyler I know always rises to the challenge, is never out of the fight, never backs away.”
Mira squeezed his hands. “I’m here. I’m a big girl. Talk to me. Let me help you.”
Tyler brought one of her hands to his lip and kissed it, sending a thrill down her spine. At any other time, she would have climbed on his lap and kissed him senseless. But their conversation wasn’t over.
“You sure you want to hear this?” he asked quietly.
“I am. You can tell me anything.”
“It doesn’t feel right burdening you with my shit.”
“You’re not burdening me, you’re sharing it with me. And I want you to share it with me. I want you to lean on me, let me be there for you. Like you were for me.”
Mira scooted up the bed, leaning back against the pillows and held out her hand, gesturing for him to join her. In silence, Tyler took off his boots and lay beside her. She snuggled into him. Her whole body relaxed at the feel of his strong warm body against hers. He was here. He was safe.
Then she listened, without interrupting, as Tyler told her everything. She snuggled closer, held him tighter, and tried to imagine what it must have been like growing up that way. Her heart broke for him, but instinctively she knew he didn’t want pity or sympathy.
“Pretty pathetic life story, huh?”
She lifted up her head, so he could see her face and maybe, just maybe draw strength from it. The pain in his eyes, though, took her breath away. “It’s not pathetic. It’s upsetting and cruel. But it makes me love you even more.”
“Why? Because I’m a hopeless case?” His hand stroked up and down her spine.
“No. Because despite what you went through, you beat the odds and became a wonderful man. A SEAL. A medic. A man of honor who serves his country, who helps others. It would have been so easy for you to have succumbed to a life of drugs and crime, but you didn’t. Because you’re strong and determined.”
“I have Sergeant Davis to thank for getting me off that path.”
“He might have suggested it, but you made the decision to enlist. You are a good person Tyler. You deserve to be happy, to be loved. You’ve done so much to be proud of. I am so proud of you.”
Tyler rolled on his side, pushing her flat on her back.
“I don’t know what this journey looks like or where I am going to end up.”
“I don’t care where you end up. So long as it's with me. You let me in, Tyler. That means the world to me. You trusted me.”
“What if it doesn’t work out? I can’t promise it will Mira as much as I want it to.” His face was inches from hers, so she reached up and stroked his cheek. Still amazed he was here.
“When two people get together, there’s never a guarantee that it will work out. But when you love someone enough, you take a risk. I’m willing to take the risk, are you?”
Tyler turned his head, kissing her palm. “For you. Yes.”
Her heart melted. This strong, powerful, brave man had finally let her see the scared, vulnerable side of him. She understood just how hard that had been.
“Thank you, for telling me. For being honest.”
“Thank you, babe...” He hesitated. “Can I call you babe again?”
She giggled and nodded.
“Thank you, babe, for forgiving me, for listening. I’m pretty damn sure I love you, but when I say it properly for the first time, I want to do it with a clear head and a clear heart. I want you to know that.”
“I can wait. However long it takes. Just promise me one thing.”