Page 129 of No Going Back
“So I keep getting told.”
“We will get Reborn. Sam won’t let it go. There’s a lot more people looking for them since the bombing.”
“We know a little more now,” he agreed.
She listened as he shared what he’d learned on his little trip.
“Wow. That’s great intel, Tyler. Sam will be thanking you.”
“I don’t think thanking me will be top of his mind.”
“Have you spoken to him at all yet?”
“No. Dex cleared it with him that I could come and see you first. You’re more important.” He kissed the tip of her nose. He wasn’t looking forward to the conversation with Sam.
“When I spoke to him, he seemed more concerned than pissed.”
“Yes. I’ve known him a long time. He plays fair. Just be honest with him.”
“That’s what Dex said.”
“Sam knows how important you are to the team. You’ll be back. I’ll kick his ass if he says anything else.”
Tyler grinned. “I’d like to see that.”
“Sam’s not the hard ass he makes out he is.”
“Have you been on the wrong end of his temper? It’s not pretty.”
She laughed. God, he loved hearing that sound.
“You can take him.” She smiled up at him and his chest tightened. How had he ever walked away from her?
“I don't know. Sam’s still got it.” He grinned. “Whatever happens, I was thinking, maybe you and I could get away for a few days.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“I want to make up for being such an asshole.”
“Oh really? And how do you plan to do that?”
Tyler let his hand trail down between her legs. “Oh I can think of a few ways.”
Dex; Hey Ty, can you come to the Farm now.
Tyler typed back a quick yes as he walked to his jeep. He had just finished up another session with Claire. The sessions were getting easier. Easier to talk about all the anger, shame, and resentment he’d carried for so many years. He always believed thinking about it, talking about it, would make him weak somehow. He had been mistaken. He felt lighter, stronger, from facing up to it. He still had a long way to go, he knew that, but for the first time he really believed he could come through it. Might one day be able to let go of all his insecurities, and truly believe his worth to the people around him.
Every day, he thanked the universe for this second chance. For his team, his family, who never turned their back and supported him, were there for him, no matter what. Even Sam. Fuck, he had expected some kind of dressing down. A pull of rank, suspension. Docked pay, something. Deserting his team, going rogue, cutting all communication. He’d broken just about every one of Sam’s rules.
Instead, Sam had sat him down, let him tell his story in his own words, then told him he would support him any way he could. He had made it clear this was his one and only ‘get out of jail free’ card. He needed to earn his place back on the team. If he could prove to him, Claire, and Dex, he was fit to operate, then his place with Raven was safe. As Dex predicted, he had been sidelined from ops for the time being, but he could train with the team and run drills. He’d gotten off lightly and would never forget it. It had been the worst thing ever seeing the boys spin up without him. He had even more motivation to do whatever he needed to get back to operational status. He was keeping his head down, working hard, and doing all that was asked of him.
Then there was Mira. Man, was he thankful for her. They’d gotten away for three days to Santa Cruz Island. He booked a remote house with a private beach. While they didn’t leave the house that often, they did explore the beautiful trails and clear waters. It had been perfect. A chance to get to know each other even better. Just as she had promised, she was right there for him. Listening when he needed to talk, not pushing when he didn’t want to. She’d gone with him to a couple of sessions with Claire, and held him when his emotions woke him in the night. She gave him space when he needed it. He’d never allowed himself to dream about being in a true relationship. He had never expected to ever have a woman love him, let alone a woman like Mira.