Page 132 of No Going Back
“Good. I mean I know this is going to be a process, and I’m in it for however long it takes, but I’m feeling great.” That was the truth. Fuck he didn’t even mind talking about it with these guys anymore.
“You look better,” Sam remarked.
“You mean I looked like shit before?”
Dex chuckled. “That’s putting it nicely. But you seem more relaxed. Your training has been on point. Maybe even better than I’ve ever seen.”
“Thanks. My head is clearer than it’s ever been. I was focused before, but now, I don't know, it sounds corny, but... It’s like this huge weight has been lifted.”
Sam and Dex exchanged a look. Dex nodded, but Sam spoke.
“There are two ops brewing, probably going to go at the same time. I need two full teams. You in?”
Tyler’s mouth dropped open before breaking into a smile. “Hell, yeah! You’re serious? I’m back?”
Dex smiled. “Yeah, you’re back.” He held out his hand and Tyler took it in a bro shake. “But your sessions with Claire are to continue until she says otherwise.”
“Absolutely! Thank you! Fuck, I won’t let you down.”
“I don’t doubt that for a second.”
“Thank you, Sam.” He shook hands with Sam.
“You’re welcome. You did exactly what we asked of you without complaining or even asking when you’d be cleared back. We think you’re ready. Claire thinks you’re ready.”
“I am ready.”
“The team will be relieved to have you back. But, Tyler, if you hit a setback for any reason? You get triggered? We’re trusting you to pull yourself out.”
“You have my word I will. Because I trust you guys to not turn your backs on me.”
He did. After everything had happened, he still had his team, he was back on active duty, and he had Mira. No way would he do anything to fuck any of that up.
“Then let’s go celebrate before work really begins.”