Page 135 of No Going Back
“Most of the time,” she shot straight back, making them both laugh.
“Maybe we should check that with your mom.” Tyler set her down on the step.
“Mom’s working, but you can ask Dad.”
Diane wasn’t here, again. They needed a girls’ night out soon. Get Diane out for some play time.
“I’m pretty sure you have Daddy wrapped around your little finger. Come on let’s go get some food.”
Megan reached for both their hands and walked between them to the back of the house. Mira looked over at Tyler above the little girl’s head. “Raincheck,” she murmured so Megan couldn’t hear. Tyler’s smile widened and he winked at her. Then he tugged at Megan’s hand.
“Race you.”
Megan squealed and Mira stood back as they took off down the beach. The team members all had to jump out of the way. Mira’s heart felt about to burst with love. Was it possible to be this happy? She headed toward the grill and her phone pinged.
Tyler: Hey babe. What you got on under those jeans?
STEVE RELAXED ON THE wooden chair, shaded by the tree, watching Tyler playing with his daughter. Megan was lucky to have so many people that loved her, cared for her, would give their lives to protect her. He glanced up toward the back of the house where everyone else was drinking, eating, laughing. Normally he’d be the one manning the grill, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it today. He looked back at his daughter, the best thing in his life, playing soccer with Tyler and Mackie. The two grown men let her tackle them.
It was a perfect afternoon. Diane should be here, but once again, she was too busy working. A new client and she was the lead lawyer. He was proud of her. She worked hard and was a great family lawyer. He couldn't quite remember when things had changed between them, but they had and he did not understand why. Diane was always working, barely spent any time at home. She was quiet, distant. When she had missed Megan's softball game last week, he knew things were way worse. She never missed a game.
A cold bottle against his shoulder startled him. Dex stood holding the beer. “You looked like you could use one.”
“Thanks.” Steve took the beer.
“Mind if I sit down?”
“It’s your chair.”
Dex sat. “She’s good with the soccer ball. Does she play?”
“Not seriously. Softball’s her thing. But the kids play at school, and we play sometimes.”
They sat watching her for a few minutes in silence.
“Diane working?’
Steve nodded, his face tight.
“Steve, you can tell me to fuck off. But is everything OK?”
Steve sighed and leaned his head back against the chair. It was obvious Dex damn well knew something was up.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I’m asking as a friend, nothing else. We haven’t seen Diane in a while and, fuck, I had to grill today.”
That made Steve smile.
“Do you even know how to use your own grill?”
“Nope. I lasted all of five minutes, then Liam took over.”
Steve turned to face him. “Bullshit. You know how to use it, you just pretend, so someone else does it.”
Dex grinned and took a swig of beer. “Do the same thing with the washing machine. Don’t tell Kelly.”
Steve managed a laugh.