Page 16 of No Going Back
Sam stepped forward. “We have to have something airtight before I can go to the brass and get approval for us to take him. Relations with Pakistan are already strained. Aziz has some highly influential friends. The brass may have given us permission to dig into Reborn, but we need to tread carefully. We cannot go into Pakistan and take out someone who is regarded as an respected businessman without solid evidence that he is connected to Reborn.”
“Are NSA and CIA involved in this?” Dex asked.
“Yes, but only a select few people and they are reporting direct to me. After we foiled that weapons deal, we know someone was trying to poke around in Raven’s sealed SEAL team records. They didn’t get anywhere, but it tells me they are making this personal. They’re pissed we got Lazir and Khalini, killed Khan, foiled the weapons deal. I’m not taking any chances with this.”
“You think Aziz might have some influential political and military friends on his payroll?” Liam said catching the baseball Dex threw at him.
“It’s a possibility. Another reason we are keeping this close to home, and why Washington has agreed to us discreetly working on it.”
“What about the cell network here in California. Is it still active?”
Mira moved aside so Kelly could share what she knew.
“As you know, we believe most of it was dismantled. We continued to monitor for chatter, but it’s been relatively quiet. That changed in the past twenty-four hours. There has been a significant uptick in chatter that’s a cause for concern.”
“About what?” Dex raised his hand as Liam threw the ball back.
“There are several mentions of The New Dawning of Allah. There is chatter about a cleansing, clearing the path of those that try to block the way of Allah. And how the time is nearing where Americans will be forced to listen, to take Reborn seriously as they spread their message to the world.”
Mira glanced around the table at the sea of grim faces. Even Dex put down the ball.
“Sounds like they’re gearing up for an attack,” he said.
“Yeah, that’s what we’re thinking,” Kelly agreed.
“Considering Reborn’s cell network was spread across Los Angeles and San Diego, and their personal grievance with some of you guys, I think we can assume if they are planning an attack, there is a good chance it could be here,” Sam said.
“The base would be a prime target,” Tyler said.
“Difficult for them to infiltrate though.” Mira looked at him. “But there are other military and Navy locations more accessible on the mainland.”
“But if they’re coming after us personally, won’t they try and get to us here? They may not know about Onyx, or our exact location, but even if they believe we are still a SEAL team, then Coronado has got to be a hot target for them.”
“Yes, but we’re on an island. Limited access points. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but that would take some serious planning when there are likely easier targets. Their MO is to cause suffering. If you remember, when they came after you guys before, they targeted Dex at his home with threats. Then kidnapped him and Kelly. They took Sophie because they knew she’s connected to this team. They could have blown up any of your houses, or just killed you, but they didn't. If they’re planning an attack, it will be a target that means something to you, will cause pain and probably still military, or somewhere closely connected to us.” Mira held Tyler’s gaze until Sam spoke and they both turned to face him.
“I agree with Mira but, Raven, that does not mean you should not be watching your six. They found Dex and Kelly once. Let’s not underestimate them. You might all have security at your homes, but don’t take any chances. Extra vigilant. Everyone.”
Sam’s cellphone rang and he stepped outside to take it. Mira wandered over to top up her coffee.
“Can I get some of that?” Tyler held out his mug and Mira topped it up. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” She faced him, trying to ignore the way her heart sped up and her palms became sweaty. Was it ever going to get easier?
“What’s the chances Reborn have someone inside Coronado? If Aziz has military and political connections, who’s to say that doesn't stretch to this side of the Atlantic?” Tyler asked.
Mira was relieved he was keeping the conversation about work. “We have nothing to suggest that, but of course it could be possible. I know Sam is going to advise the base to be on high alert. Unfortunately, right now, we only have chatter to go on.”
“Mira, I—”
Before Mira could hear the rest of that sentence, Sam interrupted them.
“We have a situation brewing. Raven, if we’re needed, you’ll be up. Let’s brief now, and then you need to be on standby, ready to go. Nyx, you guys can leave. Kelly, keep digging into possible targets for an attack. I don’t like the sound of that chatter either. Mira, stay for the brief with Raven in case we need additional intel.”
“You know anything about this?” Tyler asked quietly as Nyx and Kelly left the room. Mira shook her head.
“Nothing. Doesn’t sound like anything we’ve been working on.” She paused, wondering if she should ask him what he had been about to say before they were interrupted. But Sam was waiting to start the brief.
“We should get seated.” She walked away from him without giving him a chance to respond.