Page 35 of No Going Back
“Why the rush?” Dex queried, tossing his baseball to Ryan.
Dale answered. “Gomez is usually surrounded by a wall of security. Doesn’t go anywhere without a fucking army. The only exception is when he is home with his family. His wife and daughter are unaware of some of his darker business deals, so he keeps security limited when he's with them. Maybe a dozen at most, sometimes less. His daughter is getting married in two days. He’s scheduled to be at his beach house in San Jose. It’s standalone on five acres, right on the water. The high boundary walls, and security gates mean the only access is from the water. Probably why he feels safer there. It’s the best opportunity to take him. I’ve sent over the intel package. As soon as we get confirmation that he’s there you’ll be wheels up. Mira will join me here to be on coms as Dale’s team know this guy inside out. But you are on your own down there. We have limited eyes in the sky, and we can’t use drones. Any questions?”
Dex glanced around at the team as Ryan tossed the ball back. “Not right now.”
“OK, get a plan together, and then we’ll review it.”
When Sam disconnected, Mackie immediately brought up the intel package. The team planned the infill, the extraction, and the exfil. Just another day at the office.
“So, we’re agreed. Chopper will drop us off the coast and we swim in. Thermal imaging will give us a body count. We wait till everyone is asleep, grab him. Chopper will drop Zodiac. We take him away from the coast and then air lift out.” Dex’s summation made it sound so easy.
“Someone like Gomez is going to have a plan in place for exactly what we’re about to do. Silent alarm, more security on standby,” Ryan remarked. “Be good to know if we’re about to get ambushed when we’re in the house.” He looked at Dex. “How limited will the ISR be?”
“Let’s find out,” Dex said. He caught Tyler’s eye before calling Mira. Tyler didn’t react although inside, his gut tightened. She answered immediately, her face filling the video screen. She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. Tyler stared at the screen. She’d been crying. Shit, he had to talk to her before he left. No fucking way was he leaving things like this.
“Hey, Dex, what do you need?”
“Hi, gorgeous, any idea what eyes you’ll have?”
“Some satellite over the house, but that’s it. I hate to say it, but it’s going to depend on Mother Nature. The forecast indicates a storm rolling in tomorrow. Depending on when you go, cloud coverage could seriously reduce what I can see. We can’t use drones. Gomez will spot them. He takes his security very seriously, especially as he has less guards at the beach house.”
Tyler listened, watching her, but Mira kept her focus on Dex.
“I’ll be monitoring chatter, too. If Gomez mobilizes people, there might be talk. Dex, he has hundreds of loyal men at his disposal. One call and they will swarm that place.”
“Got it. Thanks, Mira. Tell Sam I’ll call him shortly and brief him on the plan. Are you heading to the field office?”
“Yes, but probably not until the morning. Gomez is in Columbia right now. I doubt you’ll be spinning up tonight.”
“Good to know.”
Dex ended the call, facing his team. “Get some rest guys. Assuming we won’t get the call tonight, let’s meet back here at 0800. I’ll brief Sam.”
The boys split, heading out.
“Ty, hang back a second.”
Yeah, he figured Dex would want to talk. Dex waited until everyone else had left.
“You good?” he asked calmly.
“Yeah, I’m good.”
Dex nodded. “That was one unhappy lady on screen.”
“I know. I’m about to go fix it.”
“Alright. Just remember she’s a part of this op as much as you. You both need to have clear heads before we head out.” Dex didn’t look pleased with the situation.
“I’ll make sure.” Tyler paused. “I was with Claire when you texted.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“I don’t know if it’s going to do me any good, but I’m willing to give it a shot.”
Dex didn’t respond.
“If that’s all, I want to head out and catch Mira.”