Page 52 of No Going Back
Dex: Wheels up forty-five minutes. Head to plane, we got your gear.
It surprised him that he felt disappointed about having to leave.
“You have to go?”
“Yes. We’re spinning up now.” They both stood up.
“Tyler, we should set a schedule of regular times. I would like to keep this momentum going.”
He nodded. “So would I. It feels good to talk about it. I didn’t think it would, but I feel kind of lighter.”
“I’m glad. Taking the first step is always the hardest.”
“I’ll call and set up a regular time when I get back, I have to rush right now.”
“No problem. Take care of yourself and your team.”
Tyler grinned. “Always.”
Back in his jeep, he smiled to himself as he pulled out of the parking lot, taking the short drive across base to the air strip. He hadn’t let himself purposely think back to life before the Navy in years and while he hadn’t liked it, it felt almost liberating. He was finally facing it.
He reached the air strip before the team. Staying in his jeep, he texted Mira.
Tyler: Hey babe. I guess we’re wheels up so I’ll have you in my ear soon. When I get back can we talk again?
The team’s SUVs rolled onto the tarmac. Tyler got out of his jeep to go help them unload.
“Everything OK?” Dex stepped aside from the team.
“Yeah. It is,” Tyler said with a smile. “As always, you were right. I needed to talk about it. But I’m set.”
“I’ll never understand why you guys ever doubt that I’m right.” Grinning, Dex slapped him on the back, making Tyler laugh. Perhaps things would be alright with him.
The team loaded the gear and parked their vehicles. A few minutes later they walked up the ramp of the plane, getting themselves settled in for take-off. Tyler looked around at his brothers. Dex told him they were all concerned. He was damn lucky to have a bunch of guys around him that cared. He quickly checked his phone, Mira hadn’t responded. Switching it off, he put it out of his mind. It was time to focus on the mission.
As soon as the plane leveled off, the team unstrapped themselves and gathered round to go over the op plan one more time. Mira had been monitoring the chatter and there was nothing to suggest there would be any trouble. The storm over Guatemala was petering out, so they might even have some eyes in the sky as well. Each team member knew exactly what they needed to do, like the well-oiled machine they were.
“Alright, guys, get some rest. It’s going to be a long night,” Dex said.
“Hey guys, I just want to say something.” Tyler looked at his teammates, his brothers. “Look, I know I’ve not been myself lately. It’s some personal shit and I’m dealing with it. Professionally, I’m solid, I don’t want any of you to have any doubts about me or be concerned about me in the field.”
Silence held for a moment and Tyler swallowed. Shit, were they really worried? Then Ryan slapped him on the back.
“Man, we’ve been concerned about you for years.” The team laughed and Tyler relaxed a little. “We have no doubt you’re solid.” he added more seriously.
Tyler glanced around to see the team all smiling at him. Jeez, joining this team had been the best thing to happen to him.
“Let’s go get this son of a bitch then.” He grinned.
“Hell, yeah!”