Page 54 of No Going Back
“Dawson, sidebar.”
Dex switched channels, so Sam could talk to him alone.
“You sure Tyler’s good for this? You said yourself his shot was off earlier. He can’t miss.”
Dex crawled a few feet away from the team.
“He was off, but still on target. He’s got this. My call, Sam.” He wasn’t trying to be an ass, but right from the start Sam told him he would not interfere on how he ran an op. Today was no different. He trusted his team, and that included Tyler. His focus was on point; he’d been the one to spot the damn dogs. If they had missed them, the op could have turned to shit real fast.
A long pause before Sam came back. “Fair enough.”
Dex cut coms and rejoined the team.
“Let’s hope its just the two dogs at the gate. Ty, Donnie, you’ll need to hit the dogs while we eliminate the outside security. The rest as planned. Steve, cut the power to take care of the lights. Ryan and I will go in. ISR is limited, keep your eyes wide everybody. We’re part blind here. Mackie, any movement?”
“No one’s moved from the bedrooms in an hour. Two bodyguards are in the kitchen, been there thirty minutes. Looks like they’re eating. I don’t see any animals inside and nothing this side of the house.”
“Alright, boys. Showtime. Let’s move.”
Tyler and Donnie moved into position, dogs in sight, lining up the tranquilizer guns. The dogs were laying down, not detecting any threat. They had to take them simultaneously or one would bark and the whole op would be fucked. The two men waited in silence for their team leader’s command.
“Five, you guys ready,” Dex asked through coms.
“Yep, just say the word.”
They waited just a few seconds.
TYLER AND DONNIE SHOT the darts, both dogs dropping instantly. Miss? Not a fucking chance.
“Dogs down,” Tyler confirmed.
They moved toward the house, ready to secure the perimeter while Dex and Ryan went inside. The others came through coms with confirmation the rest of the outside security had been neutralized.
Steve cut power, then took up lead position. He, Tyler, Donnie, and Mackie split, remaining outside. They would keep watch while Dex and Ryan cleared the guards inside.
“Tango’s down,” Dex confirmed.
So far so good. But that could all change in an instant. Now the power was cut, the house would stay dark. Gomez or any of his family could wake, though, and sense something was up. Dex and Ryan needed to get to him before that happened and he called in reinforcements. The plan was to drug Gomez and his wife to avoid her screaming and waking the sleeping daughter and fiancé. They would then carry Gomez out. The dead weight would slow them down, but better than him fighting and shouting, drawing attention. By the time the wife woke up, they would be long gone.
Tyler crouched in defensive position, rifle raised, using the scope to scan the area.
“Raven, be advised, chopper will drop Zodiac in eight minutes.”
Mira’s voice came soft in his ear. Damn, he loved hearing that voice, loved hearing her moan under his touch. Inwardly groaning, he refocused and moved slightly, to make sure he could cover the east side of the building. A light inside got his attention. Tentatively, he crept closer to the window. There was definitely a light on. It was flickering. They’d cut power? Was there a back-up generator? The rest of the house appeared to be in darkness, except this one light. It didn’t make sense.
“One, this is five. There’s a light on inside the house. Moving to take a closer look,” Tyler informed his team leader.
“Copy that. You need help?” Dex asked.
“No. I’m good. It’s probably just a flashlight or something.”
“Alright. If you cannot confirm from outside, do not go in without back up.”
“Roger that.”