Page 58 of No Going Back
A roar of engines and shouting flowed through the open door.
“Shit.” Mackie snatched the cutters back from him. “No time, and I have gloves.” Without hesitation, he cut through the padlock. He glanced at Dex. “I guess we’re good.”
Ripping open the front of the cage, he reached in and quickly lifted out the three drives, passing one each to Tyler and Dex. Sealing them in waterproof bags, they stashed them in their packs.
“Now let’s get the hell out of here.” Dex was up and moving out the door, Mackie and Tyler right behind him.
Stepping outside they frowned. The shouting was close. Not waiting to determine just how close, the three men ran toward the beach. Dex activated coms.
“Base one, really hope you guys have an exfil for us.”
“One, about time. What happened to five?” Sam replied.
“Got him. No time to explain.”
“Get to the water, two stayed with the Zodiac. The current is against you and the wind has increased. It will be a tough swim.”
“Copy that, the others got HVT out?”
“Yeah, they’re clear, and we’re working on getting another bird to you. Just get to the boat.”
“Is five OK?” Mira’s voice was full of concern.
“I’m all good base.” Tyler responded, then they were forced to scramble for cover.
“One. Sit rep?” Sam asked.
“Taking fire.”
There was nothing base could do to help as Dex, Tyler and Mackie returned fire, slowly leap-frogging their way back toward the beach. With twenty feet to go, they paused behind some boulders.
“Grenade?” Tyler asked.
“Yes, on three. Then run like hell. One, two, three.”
Tyler launched the grenade, then ran. The guys removed their coms, hit the water and dove out of sight. They swam underwater until they couldn’t hold their breath any longer. Breaking through the surface, Dex looked around, just making out Tyler and Mackie in the darkness a few feet from him. Looking back toward the beach, it was crawling with bodies, but they were too far out to be spotted, no way they could see them in the darkness and no one was diving in the ocean trying to follow them. For once the clouds did them a favor, blocking the moonlight, keeping them hidden.
“That was fucking close,” Mackie said on an exhale. The three of them were treading water, getting their breath back, and letting their eyes adjust to the darkness.
“Thanks for coming back for me,” Tyler said with genuine gratitude. Dex and Mackie exchanged a look.
“Jeez, Ty? Like we would leave your sorry ass there,” Mackie said. “And besides, I for one, would not want to be the one to tell your lady.”
Tyler shot Dex a look. Even in the dark, Dex could see his accusing eyes.
“Don’t look at Dex. It’s written all over your face. You two are way more than friends. Not to mention the concern in her voice just now. Dex, she ever been that concerned about you on a mission?”
“No, me neither.” Mackie chuckled at Tyler’s face. “Get over it, Tyler, I’m happy for you.”
“Alright, enough chitchat. We got quite the swim ahead. Any after effects from the shock, Ty?”
“A little tingling, but I’m good.”
“OK, let’s do it. We stay together. If you need to stop, Ty, let us know.”
“Will do.”