Page 64 of No Going Back
Sam’s phone rang and he answered. Mira half listened to the conversation. It sounded like Special Agent Dale Sanchez was on the other end. The call ended and Mira caught Sam’s eye.
“Everything alright?” she asked.
“Yes. That was Dale. Turns out LAPD got a call of reported gunshots at a house last night. When they went to check it out, they found more than they bargained for. A stash of weapons and reference to The New Dawning Of Allah.”
“Holy shit, they just stumbled on part of their cell network?” Mira glanced over to Kelly who looked just as surprised. “And the gunshots?”
“There were two young men in the house playing some shooting video game. They’ve been brought here and are downstairs in the holding cells. Dale just offered that I go and have a little chat with them before he gets here, and everything has to go on record.” Sam grinned. “Nice to have friends in the right places, eh?”
“Sure is.”
“Care to join me?”
Mira smiled. She and Sam had done joint interviews before. This was exactly what she needed to take her mind off things. “Hell, yeah.”
“I’m off to find Ray. Let me know how you get on,” Kelly called over her shoulder as she left the room. “Oh, and don’t have too much fun, you two,”
Mira and Sam took the elevator down to the basement, where the holding cells and interview rooms were located. The next hour went by fast. The two men were brothers, twenty-two and nineteen. They started with the older brother first. He repeatedly claimed he was a soldier of God. The younger brother was not so brave or loyal. He was scared. It didn’t take long for him to freely admit they were guarding the weapons, waiting for instructions on the next step. He had yet to divulge who was giving them the instructions, though. Sam and Mira stepped from the interview room, letting him sweat a little before they tried again.
Sam’s phone pinged. He read the text, then glanced at Mira. “Kelly’s heading back to the Farm. She’s done with Ray.” They were stood next to the water filter, grabbing drinks.
“She wants to be there when Raven lands. Eager to see Dex.”
“I’m sure. Don’t know how she puts up with him. Stubborn son of a bitch,” Sam muttered.
Mira smiled. Yes. Dex could be stubborn, but she also knew Sam thought the world of him, as he did everyone on his teams. He might act like the tough captain, but underneath he was a teddy bear. Not that she’d ever tell him that. Onyx was different from other teams she’d worked with. There were rules, but Sam wasn't afraid to break them when he felt a situation warranted it. Dex and Kelly being in the same unit and in a relationship was one of them.
“It doesn’t bother you, having them both work for you, knowing they’re together?”
Sam raises his eyebrows, clearly surprised by her question.
“Just curious,” she added quickly.
“With what we do, relationships are hard enough. You know as well as I do how many marriages fail in the Navy, or military in general. Especially in special ops teams. And if the other spouse doesn’t work in the same field, they never really fully understand. It puts a huge strain on any relationship.”
He sighed and Mira sensed his mind had strayed somewhere else. Then he looked at her.
“If you get two people who totally get what we do, like Dex and Kelly, the way I see it, they have a much better shot at making it work. They can lean on each other, discuss what’s bothering them, support one another. So, to answer your question, no it doesn’t bother me. They’re both professional. I trusted them to ensure it wouldn’t cause a problem, and it hasn’t.”
Mira had never thought of it like that. Sam was right. One of the things she loved about being with Tyler is that she didn’t have to hide what she did. Neither did he.
But you’re not with him, Mira.
“Dale will be here shortly. You ready?” Sam gestured to the interview room where the younger brother was waiting.
“Oh, yeah, let’s do it.”
He held open the door for her.
The explosion ripped through the basement and the walls around them crumbled. Mira dropped her water, staring at Sam in horror as he disappeared in a cloud of dust and smoke.
“Get down under the table now,” Sam shouted just before the walls came down with a deafening sound.
“Sam!” She screamed before the power went out and they were plunged into darkness.