Page 76 of No Going Back
It was just him, Dex, Liam, and Dale. He hadn’t even noticed everyone else had gone to help move rubble now they had an exact location.
“They’re working as fast as they can, Tyler,” Liam said
Tyler fought to stay calm, turning back to the screen. “Sam, can you try and wake her up?”
The boys watched Sam squeeze her hand and tap her cheek, talking softly to her. After what seemed like minutes, but was only seconds, Mira’s eyes fluttered open.
“Hey, Mira, I got someone here who wants to say hi.”
Sam held the phone in front of her. Tyler’s heart almost broke as she bravely smiled at him.
“Hey.” It was barely more than a whisper.
“Hey, babe, rough day, huh?” Tyler tried to keep his voice light, not wanting to worry her. He sensed Dex, Liam, and Dale stepping back to give him some privacy.
“How are you feeling?”
Goddammit, she was trying to be so brave, when he knew she must be in so much pain.
“Can you tell me what hurts?”
“What does it feel like to breathe?”
“Pressure in my chest. Can’t get a big breath.”
Tyler tried his best to hide his own fear. Her lungs were either filling with blood slowly or had collapsed. Neither option was good.
“The guys are getting close to getting you out of there. You need to hold on for me a little longer.”
“I’m sorry, Ty.”
“Sorry for what?”
“I didn’t text you back.”
Tyler shook his head. “You have nothing to apologize for.”
“I do. I— ” She squeezed her eyes shut, obviously in pain.
“Mira, listen to me, babe. None of that matters right now. Stop talking and stay as relaxed as possible. Don’t worry about anything. We’re going to get you out of there, and I’ll be waiting for you. There will be plenty of time to talk then. OK?”
Mira gave him a small nod.
“She’s out,” Sam said, turning the camera back on himself. Tyler had forgotten he’d been there holding the phone.
“Is there anything I can do for her?”
Tyler shook his head. “No.”
“I’m sorry, Ty. I take it you two are a little more than friends.”
“Sort of. It’s complicated.”
“She loves you.”