Page 84 of No Going Back
“Fuck, if she doesn’t make it. I don’t know what...”
“Hey.” Mackie placed a hand on his shoulder. “You know better than to think like that. They’re so close now, she’s going to make it.”
“I hope you’re right.”
They sat in silence for a couple of minutes. Then Mackie said, “Ty, you got to cool it with Dex. This isn’t his fault.”
Tyler looked at his best friend. “I know.”
“We all want Reborn. But Dex is right. We’re not vigilantes. It has to be done the right way.”
“And how long will that take? How many more people are going to die before we shut them down?”
Before Mackie could answer, Dex approached. They both stood.
“Liam just called. The house was empty, but it looks like Reborn cell members were there. They found maps, burner phones, and some not very nice party favors.” Dex held out his phone showing a picture of a dozen blocks of C4.
“They must have left in a hurry,” Mackie muttered.
“Yeah. Probably realized their mistake with the video. Knew we’d be on to them.”
“Any sign of plans for another attack?” Tyler asked, keeping his voice calm. Who knew what these fuckers were planning next.
“Nothing yet. Dale’s got a forensics team there. They’ll tear the place apart.”
“They could be coming after any of us at any time.” Tyler rubbed the back of his neck.
“Dale’s having people trace who the house belongs to. Might lead to other locations. We just took down several locations after that weapons deal. There can’t be that many more. No one regroups that quickly.”
“And yet they managed to pull this off, right under out fucking noses. It’s clear they’re making this very personal.” Tyler’s voice rose. “Reborn wants us. The team. And they don’t give a fuck how many people they hurt to get to us.”
“Yeah, I know. You’re not the only one that’s fucking pissed here,” Dex said tightly. “Yes, Reborn is coming for us. Liam is chasing down leads with Dale. Right now, if you really care about Mira, you need to keep your shit together and be here for her. It’s the only reason you’re still standing here. You’re treading a fine line with me, Tyler, and I swear to God, you do not want to push me over that line. Not today.” Dex walked away not waiting for a response.
“Jeez, Ty, did I not say to cool it with him?” Mackie looked at him in exasperation.
Tyler put his hand on his head. “Shit, what the fuck is wrong with me? I’ve really done it this time.”
He had never seen Dex like this before. And fuck, he’d caused it. His temper getting the better of him again. Lashing out because he felt helpless. Because it felt like history was repeating itself. “I didn’t mean to go off at him. I’m pissed at Reborn.”
“Tyler!! Need you here now!” Donnie’s voice boomed in the quietness. Tyler’s stomach dropped as he ran back to the laptop.
“What’s happened, what’s wrong?”
Sam’s face was on screen. “Tyler, she’s awake and struggling to breathe.” He turned the camera on Mira. Her eyes were open, her face contorted in pain and panic. She was gasping for breath, skin turning blue right before his eyes.
“Fuck, it looks like a pneumothorax.” Tyler stared at the screen in disbelief. This couldn’t be happening. Mira was going to die right in front of him. Just like his Mom. Just like Allan.
“Mason! What do I do?” Sam snapped him out of his thoughts.
“You’re going to have to cut her open, release the air around her lungs. You need a knife and an air tube.” Tyler got his head out of the past and back into medic mode.
“Don’t exactly have those things down here, Ty,” Sam said tersely.
“Go get the paramedic. Tell them to give Max what’s needed for this procedure. He can get it to his men and to Sam,” Dex ordered Steve.
“We don’t have that much time. Sam, do you have a flip knife? Anything?” Tyler asked, trying to stay calm.
“No. nothing.”