Page 87 of No Going Back
“I’ve never talked anyone through that before. That was a first for me, too. Can I see her face?”
Mira’s face came into view. Her color was better and he could see her chest rising and lowering. Relief flooded him. She was hanging in there, for now. Mira’s eyes fluttered open and his heart skipped.
“Hey, babe,” he said softly, fighting back tears. “Don’t try to talk, just rest and breathe.”
He could sense her fear. She must be petrified, and who could blame her?
“I know you’re scared, and I know it hurts. But they’re going to have you on a backboard and lift you out very soon. And I’ll be right here waiting for you.” He forced a small smile.
“Ah fuck.” Sam cursed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Low battery, it’s going to die any minute.”
Tyler looked at Dex. “We have to get her out, Dex.” He heard the pleading in his own voice and didn’t give a shit. Nothing else mattered except getting Mira out.
“Steve, go give Max an update, get an ETA,” Dex urged.
“Tyler, I’m going to shut this off, in case I need it for an emergency. Hopefully, we’ll see you guys real soon.”
“Look after her for me, Sam.”
Sam nodded. “Of course. I won’t leave her, Ty.” The screen went blank.
Steve returned. “One of the guys is attempting to climb over now. They’ll pass the backboard over and get her out. All goes well. She’ll be topside withing fifteen minutes.”
Thank God. Tyler raked a hand over his face. Just a little longer, baby. Please hang in there for me.
Tyler felt it first and looked at Dex in alarm. The team all froze at the vibration rumbling under their feet. Tyler’s eyes shot to where Max stood at the shaft opening just in time to see a huge puff of smoke and dust erupt out the top of it.
MIRA HAD NEVER KNOWN pain like this. Her lip trembled, fear taking over. Tyler’s voice came and went. She made out only some of what he was saying. Stay still, it was going to hurt. Sam’s face told her just how serious her injuries were. His normal calm, relaxed demeanor was gone, replaced with worry and concern. Every breath was harder than the last one. She was struggling to get air and a terrifying sensation of suffocation engulfed her. She didn’t want to die. Her poor parents, Sam, the team, Tyler. There was so much she wanted to do with her life.
Mira loved her career, but no longer would it be at the expense of everything else. She would make more time to see her family. She wanted her own family, and she wanted a loving relationship with a wonderful man. That man was Tyler. Mira brought up a mental image of him trying to ignore Sam doing something to her side. Holy shit! The sharp pain reverberated through her body, which jerked involuntarily. Oh, God! She couldn’t do this anymore; it was too much. Her head spun, leaving her nauseous. She couldn’t breathe. No, please God, no! Don’t let me die like this. Gasping for the little air she could get, she clung to the image of Tyler, as panic seized her heart. Then she heard him.
“Mira babe, try to take slow breaths, not too deep. Nice and slow, that’s it babe, you go it.”
Was she dreaming?
“I’ll be right here waiting for you.”
Mira tried to open her eyes, but nothing happened. Babe. She loved it when he called her babe. The tender endearment gave her comfort as she slipped into unconsciousness again.