Page 99 of No Going Back
You’re treading a fine line with me, Tyler, and I swear to God, you do not want to push me over that line.
Unless you want me to remove you from Onyx permanently, you better think carefully about what you say and do going forward.
Talking to Claire, the HRT Op, Mira, today’s events... They all had stirred up the anger, resentment, and helplessness he tried to keep buried. Years and years of pent-up emotions had come to a head and he’d taken it out on his team. The men he called family. That scared him. He had lashed out and said things he never would have thought possible. If that’s what trying to deal with his past did, he couldn’t do it. He put the people he called family, this team, at risk.
The door opened and Mackie walked in.
“Hey man, how you doing?” He stood beside Tyler.
“I’m OK. At least she’s not in pain,” Tyler whispered, keeping his eyes on Mira’s face.
The door opened again and Dex joined them, coming to stand by the bedside. “I just wanted to make sure you’re alright. I won’t stay.”
Tyler stood up. The tension between them was thick. “No, it’s OK. I could use a little air. Let the guys come see her. I’ll come back in later.” Leaning over, he pressed his lips to her forehead. “I’m so sorry, Mira,” he murmured low so Dex and Mackie wouldn’t hear. Turning and leaving the room, he did not look back.
TYLER SIGNALED THE bartender for another.
After leaving ICU, he had left the hospital, his heart breaking. Not sure what to do next, he’d started walking and didn’t stop. Dex had called a couple of times, texted. Mackie, too. He switched off the phone, knowing when he didn’t answer, the team would try and find him. They had the best technology at their disposal to do just that, but as an operator, he also knew how to stay off grid, zero footprint. He’d stopped at an ATM, drew out as much as possible to get by on, knowing they could monitor his cards.
Taking a large gulp of whiskey, he tried to drown the feeling of guilt threatening to suffocate him. Several times, he considered going back, only to change his mind when the damn little voice in his head said Mira and the team were better off without him.
As the hours passed, the voice got louder and the harder it became to even consider going back. Downing the rest of his drink, he slipped off the stool and headed out into the bright sunshine. His team would be searching for him, so he needed to keep moving. He planned to hitch a ride home. He'd grab a few bits, mainly the larger stash of cash he kept there, while the team were still at the hospital. Yeah, he knew they would work out he’d been back, but he had a head start. By the time they did, he’d be long gone.
His mind was focused on one thing. Payback. He was on his own now with nothing to lose.
Chapter 16
DEX AND MACKIE SAT outside the ICU. It had been two days and Mira’s lung was healing, but not enough to bring her out of the coma. Sam had arranged a hotel close by for her parents and they came back and forth. Raven did the same, rotating different men in and out to keep her parents company.
Nyx had to deploy on their op, no way of pushing it back. Sam and Kelly were at the Farm to work it with them, and Dex was keeping them updated.
“Still nothing?” Dex caught Mackie checking his phone.