Page 108 of No More Lies
“Angel? Can you move? Can you get up?” Concern filled Steve’s voice. His hand was light, careful on her cheek, but her lips wouldn't move. Her eyelids were heavy. She couldn’t keep them open. She glanced toward Natasha, still screaming in Mackie’s arms. Steve’s voice was muffled. A man walked down the steps of the plane, carrying Anya in his arms. Was that Volkov?
“Anya!” Natasha’s scream was the last thing she heard before her eyes closed.
“TYLER!” STEVE SHOUTED. “Get over here.”
He leaned over his wife. She was breathing but unconscious and deathly pale.
“Is she hit?” Tyler asked dropping to his knees beside them.
“No. She was talking and then she just passed out.”
“Let’s turn her over gently.”
They rolled her over and Steve winced at the blood-stained sweatshirt, her arm in the makeshift sling, which he must have crushed into the floor when he held them down.
“Looks like Diane was the one that tried to get out the window.” Tyler took the wrist that wasn’t in a sling and checked her pulse.
Steve gently ran his hand over her hair, not wanting to touch anywhere else for fear of hurting her more.
“How is she?” Dex asked, joining them.
Tyler put her hand down. “Pulse is strong. The shoulder is dislocated.” He lifted up her sweatshirt and Steve swallowed hard at the red slashes, bandages and bruising covering her stomach. Tyler pressed gently on her stomach and ribs.
“It doesn’t look like there are internal injuries. ETA on paramedics?” Tyler asked.
“Two minutes,” Dex said.
“I could put her shoulder back in, but I suggest we let the paramedics get her to the hospital and do it there. Her pulse is good, she’s breathing well. Probably passed out with the pain which, right now, isn't such a bad thing.” Tyler placed a hand on Steve’s arm. “She’s going to be fine.”
Steve couldn’t stop the tears. His Angel had been through hell, but she’d made it. She was so damn strong. Sirens blazed, growing closer. He took hold of Diane’s hand and brought it to his lips.
“I love you, Angel.”
The paramedics appeared with the gurney and Steve reluctantly stepped back, letting them do their job. When they had her strapped and ready to move, the paramedic in charge turned to him.
“Are you family?”
“We’re taking her to General—”
“No, you’re not.” Dex interrupted. “You’re taking her to Westside and her husband is riding with you.”
“That’s not—”
“It’s been cleared. We’re military. She’s going to Westside. Dr. Sophie Summers is expecting you. We need to clean up here, so Steve goes with you. If you need to check the clearance, I can call my captain right now.”
The paramedic in charge took in the scene around him and shook his head. “Not necessary. Let’s go.”
Steve could have kissed his team leader. He had no idea if Dex actually had gotten clearance, but Ryan had most likely called Sophie. As head of the naval base ER on Coronado, there was no one he trusted more to take care of his angel.
As Diane was loaded into the ambulance Steve looked at Dex.