Page 113 of No More Lies
“Of course. I won’t say anything, but if you want to talk, I’m here. Ryan told me what happened. I’m so relieved the guys found you and you’re going to be OK.”
“Thank you.”
“Diane, I’m worried about you. Kelly and Mira are, too. You can talk to us about anything. We’re here for you.”
“Thank you,” she said again. “I can’t talk. Not yet.” She loved Sophie, Kelly, and Mira and she did know she could talk to them. But they weren’t the people she needed to talk to just now.
Sophie nodded. “OK. What do you need? What can I do to help right now?”
“Can I go home?”
“Yes. I can get you discharged.”
“Then I would like to go home with Steve and Megan.”
Sophie stood. “That I can arrange. I’m guessing you don’t want to see anyone else?”
Diane closed her eyes. “I appreciate them all being here. I do. Thank them for me. I will see them, but—”
“Not all at once and not right now when you just woke up. I get it. They can be very... er... overpowering.”
Diane opened her eyes, relieved her friend understood.
“Consider it done.”
“Thanks, Sophie.”
“Promise me you’ll call me, or Kelly, or Mira, if you need us?”
“I will.”
A minute after Sophie left, Steve came back into the room.
“Everything OK?”
Diane thought about the new life growing inside her.
“Yes. I’m fine.”
Steve pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed, grasping her hand in his.
“I was so worried. I’m so sorry I didn't protect you. I promised I would, and I let you down.”
She shook her head. “You didn’t. I knew you would come. I should never have gone there. I should have told you. I was so stupid—”
“You were not, and are not, stupid. When I saw that picture, I believed he had Megan, too. It wasn’t until I spoke to her that I was reassured she was safe. I understand why you did what you did. I saw the pictures and the texts. You must have been terrified and frantic, but you still thought to leave that note. And then in that video... Looking at the cats? It was damn smart.”
“You got that?”
“Yes, I did. We went to the house but must have just missed you. But it led us to Janssen’s car, which led us to find Ms. Costas and the sarin.”
“Oh, my god, I didn’t even ask. How is she? Natasha, Anya?”
“Everyone is fine. We found Melanie in Janssen’s car close to where the sarin was set to go off. Natasha and Anya are together, unharmed.”
“And Volkov?”
“In custody. He can’t hurt you, or anyone, again. He’ll be going down for a long time.”