Page 115 of No More Lies
MORE TIRED THAN HE realized, Steve woke to find daylight breaking. Neither of them had moved during the night and Diane was still sleeping. Being careful not to wake her, he reached for his phone. Just after five on a Saturday morning. Megan wouldn't be up for a while, and he wanted Diane to sleep for as long as possible.
Quietly he got up, grabbed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and left the room. He’d slept almost eight hours, a marathon for him, but now he was wide awake. He checked in on Megan and found her still asleep. Then he headed downstairs and put on coffee.
The team didn't train on the weekends unless an op was imminent and technically, he was still on leave. As he waited for the coffee to brew, he checked his messages. All of the team had sent texts wanting to know how Diane was and letting him know to call if he needed anything. He smiled. He suspected the girls would have texted Diane. Shit! Her phone had been destroyed. He would have to get that sorted out today.
As Steve poured his coffee, he saw the note Diane had left him yesterday. A wave of emotion took him by surprise. He was a lucky man to have his family back safe and sound, but although Diane lay in bed upstairs, he’d be a fool to think everything was suddenly resolved between them. What if this experience had made Diane resent his job even more?
They needed to talk today. He didn’t want any unspoken words hanging over them any longer. Diane almost being taken from him had been a huge wake-up call. He didn’t think he’d been a terrible husband, but he hadn’t been a great one, either. Diane deserved great. He could recall everything she’d said to him the night before last.
Feeling unseen. Alone. Not good enough. Living in his shadow. Jealous of the team and their friends. Unhappy at work. Thinking herself a terrible mother and wife. Him deserving better. Feeling pathetic. Not coping.
None of it was true, but that didn’t matter. If she was thinking it, she was believing it.
Somewhere along the way, his beautiful wife had lost her confidence. The woman he’d married had never had any doubts about herself. He was sure that woman was still in there. Whatever had taken that bright light away, he was determined to help her get it back.
When his phone beeped, he wasn't surprised to see Sam’s name.
You up?
Taking his coffee to the couch he rang his captain.
“Morning, Sam.”
“Morning. How’s the family?”
Steve heard noise in the background. “They’re still sleeping. Where are you?”
“Having an early breakfast with Dex.”
“You guys know it’s Saturday, right?”
“Says the man who is also up. Listen, we have some updates. Thought you might want to know. Plus, I have a little something for Diane. I don’t want to intrude, but if it’s good to stop by?”
Steve checked the time. Almost six. He doubted his girls would be getting up anytime soon.
“Sure, want to come now?”
“We’ll finish up here and see you in twenty. You want us to bring you anything?”
“No, thanks. I plan to make breakfast when everyone is awake.”
“Got it. See you in twenty.”
Almost to the minute, Sam and Dex arrived and made themselves comfortable in the family room.
“First,” Sam said. “Anything Diane needs, you let me know.” He held out a phone. “I took the liberty of replacing it.”
Steve didn’t hide his surprise as he took the phone. “Thanks, Sam. You didn’t need to.”
“It’s nothing, and I know there are a few ladies that are worried about her.” He said, waving his hand, dismissing it but Steve appreciated the thoughtful gesture.
“You’re not wrong. Kelly’s been driving me crazy,” Dex said.
“She’ll talk to them. She just needs a little time,” Steve said.
“I totally understand. You tell her to take all the time she needs. I’ll keep Kelly at bay.”
Steve smiled. “So, updates?”