Page 51 of No More Lies
“Ten seconds.”
“We’re good.” When Mackie stood, the two of them scurried behind the nearest crate, without time to go anywhere else.
The beep echoed loudly in the warehouse as security entered their code and the door opened. A bright flashlight swept the room, and a guard stepped inside. No one breathed. Dex couldn’t see the guards and wasn't about to move to get a better view. All they could do was wait it out, hoping the guy turned around and walked back out. The beam of light stopped moving and footsteps moved closer. Shit. The guard had seen something.
The door opened again. More footsteps.
“What the fuck are you doing? You can’t come in here with a lighted cigarette!” a voice shouted, clearly annoyed. “Come on, get the fuck out of here before you blow us both to pieces.”
The flashlight went out. More footsteps echoed, then the door closed with a secure beep. Silence. Nobody moved. Dex waited. Kelly would tell him when it was clear. He didn’t have to wait long.
“Raven, guards have moved on. I’ll confirm when they are far enough away for exfil.”
“Copy.” Dex stood up. The rest of the team moved out from their hiding places.
“A lighted cigarette in a dangerous goods warehouse, and he calls himself a security guard. Stupid fuck.” Donnie scoffed.
“Well, that stupid fuck saved our asses,” Dex said.
“Raven one, you’re clear to go.”
“Time to leave, team.”
Chapter 13
Steve lay on the sofa and stared at the ceiling. He tried to nap, but his mind was reeling. Jesus, what had he been thinking? That was...fuck, he didn’t know what that had been. Was it even sex? Yeah, sometimes it got a little rough between them. Diane liked it. But his head... He shook it. They weren’t in a good place and play-acting rough was very different from being rough because he was worried and, if he admitted it, angry. The thought he might have hurt her was killing him.
Our marriage has come second to your job for years. To me and Megan for years. Just because you’re with Onyx now and are home more you don’t get to demand more of our time.
Those words were still bouncing around his head. Did she really mean that? Had this all happened because she was trying to prove her career was as important as his? He had always encouraged Diane to follow her dream. He wanted her to succeed and be happy. These past few months she hadn’t been happy and the fact they she hadn’t trusted him to discuss what was going on made him feel like a complete failure as a husband.
He loved his wife. That hadn’t changed, but, dammit, with everything that had happened, could they move forward? He was angry, but he wasn’t sure if his anger was aimed at Diane for not talking to him, or himself because clearly, she had felt like she couldn’t talk to him. That was on him.
His phone buzzed. Dex.
Donnie and I are on our way over. Need to chat. See you in ten.