Page 56 of No More Lies
Diane left without even looking in his direction.
“Wait here a minute, Megan.”
Steve went after Diane, catching up with her on the driveway.
“Diane. Wait!”
She turned facing him, her eyes moist.
“I’d be doing it out of love. I didn’t suddenly stop loving you overnight.”
He walked closer, stopping right in front of her. With a quick glance both ways, he saw the street was empty. The silver sedan from the night before was gone. He placed his hands on his wife’s shoulders and gave her his full attention.
“I still love you. Don’t ever doubt that.”
“I love you, too, Steve, but things aren't right. We both know it. I don’t want another fight, so let’s just go do what we need to do.” She went to pull away, but he tightened his hold.
“Things aren’t right, Diane. My priority right now is yours and Megan’s safety. When this is over, you and I will talk. No more putting it off.”
She nodded weakly and got into the car. Standing in the driveway, Steve watched her drive down the street, his heart tied up in knots.
Megan’s voice came from behind him.
“We’re going to be late, Daddy.”
“Come on then, Pumpkin. Let’s go.”
He dropped Megan at school, relieved to see Agent Jessica Adams waiting at the main entrance with Megan’s teacher, both greeting the children as they came in. He had already spotted additional agents on the side street opposite the school and the brief had said there was one more on the school grounds somewhere disguised as a janitor.
Reluctantly, he left the school parking lot and headed to the Farm on base, because on a normal day that’s what he would do. He took the long route, though, doubling back several times to ensure he wasn’t followed. He hadn't seen anything suspicious on his street or at school this morning and no one appeared to be following him.
He joined the team in the war room wishing he was the one protecting his daughter and Diane. Not that he could be in two places at once. Megan was secure, and Scottie and Logan would protect Diane with their lives. Nyx were brothers, but this was his family. It was hard handing over protection of them to someone else, despite how much he trusted them.
As if reading his mind, Dex put a hand on his shoulder. “FBI have Megan and Nyx have got Diane.”
“I know they have. Doesn’t mean I’m not worried.”
“Guys, I have something.” Kelly’s voice was strained. Whatever it was, wasn't good.
Steve and the rest of Raven gathered around Bertha where Kelly had been working.
“I think I found who helped get the sarin out of the airport,” Kelly said. “David Myers. Worked at the airport for three months. Didn’t show up for work today.”
“Maybe he’s just sick? Why do you think it’s him?” Steve asked. She glanced at Dex, then Sam, before she responded.
“He’s active on chat rooms supporting The New Dawning of Allah.”
You could have heard a pin drop in the silent room. Steve looked around at the rest of his team, their faces tense as this news registered. Fucking Reborn. They were not giving up on their cause.
“If Reborn has access to sarin, I think we can narrow down the targets,” Sam said.
“Any mention of the sarin in this chatter?” Dex asked.
“Do we have an address?”
“Yes. Home address is a rental, but according to the landlord, he moved out yesterday. He has a driver’s license, but no car registered in his name.”