Page 80 of No More Lies
“What are you not telling me?” he demanded.
“The military team I mentioned. They have a close connection to the FBI office in San Diego.”
Of course. Volkov remembered Reborn had claimed responsibility for a bomb at the FBI office a while ago. But that didn't explain how they were on to him now.
“Your captured soldier may have talked to the FBI then?”
“I would not know. The team are very persistent in their pursuit to end Reborn.”
“This team is based at Coronado, I presume? This is why the attack is happening here, at the memorial. You are making this personal,” he challenged.
“They made it personal a long time ago.”
“I want names. The team. FBI. I need to find leverage I can use to ensure my safe passage out of this country.”
“Your safe passage out of this country is not my concern. I need to go and finalize the details of the main event.”
“Hakim.” He growled into the phone. “Should I remind you who got the weapon to you? Who introduced you to the men producing it? You can rain terror on the US all you want but trust me when I say you do not want to make an enemy of me. An enemy of mine is an enemy of Russia.”
Long silent seconds passed before Hakim spoke.
“Very well. I will send the names. Do not underestimate them. They are Navy SEALs.” When Hakim ended the call, Volkov stared at his phone. Within seconds, the names arrived. Scanning the list quickly, his eyes rested on the name halfway down.
Steve Williams.
Well, well. Mrs. William’s husband was a Navy SEAL. And not just any Navy SEAL, but one on a team Hakim Aziz had in his sights. Clearly, the bitch had been feeding her husband information. This is why they were onto him. It had to be her.
He paced the room, considering different ways he could make sure Mrs. Williams regretted ever telling her husband anything. She would pay. It didn’t take long for an idea to start forming. He called Hakim Aziz back with an idea that might just get him out of the country and get Hakim the team he wanted so badly.
Chapter 19
Steve yawned, adding an extra scoop of coffee to the coffee maker. He needed it a little stronger this morning. Diane had slept well, but he had been unable to switch off his brain and instead spent most of the night going over what she had told him.
The very thought that she had felt so alone for so long was bothering him more than a little. Working with Onyx though, he was home much more. Diane had still felt alone, even though he had been right there. He was struggling to let that go.
Making love this morning had been more intimate, more passionate than he ever remembered. It was as if Diane opening up to him had brought them closer than ever. He’d been slow and tender to show his wife how much he cherished and loved her. He never wanted her to have any more doubts about being alone or not being important in his life.