Page 91 of No More Lies
“How old is she?” Melanie asked softly.
“Eight. Well, she will be nine in two weeks.” Diane swiped at the tears on her cheeks. “She must be so scared.”
“I’m sorry,” Natasha said.
“It’s not your fault,” Melanie and Diane said together.
“I saw Anya when I was upstairs. She was happy and being taken care of.”
“Vlad is a lot of things, but he does love his daughter. It’s the only bit of comfort I have.”
Perhaps his love for his daughter extended to all children. Maybe Megan was being taken care of, too.
Diane sighed and closed her eyes. Was it only a few hours ago she and Steve were making love? It had felt so right, and she had a spark of hope everything was going to be alright. God, she wished he was here. She had once prided herself on keeping everything together. Being the best wife and mom she could be, taking care of life back home while her husband was out saving the world. But she’d wanted more, and being a lawyer was meant to be the missing piece of the puzzle. Except the puzzle piece didn’t fit. No matter how much she tried. It felt like her life had been smashed to smithereens. Megan was in danger. If she hadn’t wanted to be a lawyer so desperately. If she hadn’t taken the job at the swanky firm. If she had refused this case, instead of allowing the partnership to be dangled as a carrot. If she had talked to Steve earlier. If she had done any of those things, she and Megan would be home safe.
Silent tears rolled down Diane’s cheeks and her heart ached. Ached for Megan and ached for Steve. She ached for the life they once had, which she desperately wanted back. When she told Steve last night how she was feeling, he hadn’t interrupted. He didn’t brush it off. He didn’t make excuses. He didn’t tell her she was being oversensitive or over emotional. He didn’t throw her dream in her face.
She had imagined all those scenarios when she had considered talking to him before and yet he hadn’t done anything but be supportive. She had just been too damn scared and ashamed to admit she was struggling. She was miserable. She didn't want him to look at her and feel sorry for her. See her as weak. She didn’t want to lose him.
The door to the basement unlocked. Her eyes flew open. Oleg came down the stairs.
“Come.” he said, looking directly at her.
“No,” she said, not moving from the sofa. “Not until I see Megan.”
Oleg pulled her off the sofa by her arm. She bit her lip against the pain but resisted, trying to get out of his grip. He slapped her across the face.
“Stop, or the next person I hit will be your daughter.”
Immediately, she stopped fighting. They could hit her as much as they wanted, if it meant they left her baby alone.
Oleg led her out of the basement, locking the other two women back in. She followed him back to the dining room. Volkov stood waiting, arms folded, looking angry. A chair had been set in front of the fireplace.
“Sit.” he hissed. Obediently, she sat on the chair.
“Your husband and his team have proven to be a problem to one of my business partners, and now to me.”
Diane stayed quiet.
“I warned you I do not fail. I will get what I want, and not even your Navy SEALs are going to stop me.”
Though her palms were sweating, she faced him. “Why am I here and where is Megan?”
“It’s terrible being separated from your daughter, isn’t it?” Volkov sneered. “Get used to it. You won’t be seeing your daughter again.”
She gasped and tears filled her eyes. “What have you done to her?”
“Mrs. Williams. I am not the monster you think I am. I have not done anything to your daughter. She is safe right now. You, however, might not be. You are my insurance to get out of this country. They’ve been digging into my business, my financials. Talking to my acquaintances. If they thought I wouldn’t notice, they were wrong. You led them to me and for that you will pay.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He slapped her face.
“I am done with your lies. You think you can stop me taking my daughter? You think you can stop the sarin attack? You think you can stop me going to Russia? You do not have the power to do any of that, and soon your husband and his friends will understand that, too.” He gestured to the camera. “We’re going to make a little video. I think it’s time your husband sees just who has the power here.”