Page 102 of Haunt the Mall
“Okay," he snapped.
“I want you to commit to therapy and stop being a creep.”
“Okay, I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” he cried.
“Prove it to me. Lose my number, stop stalking, and become an upstanding member of society. Because if I hear or see anything shady—”
“Please don’t send them anything,” he sobbed. “I promise, I’ll stop. I won’t even go to the mall anymore. Please.”
“For now, I’ll believe you,” I said, sliding fully onto Victor’s lap. “Would you like to answer the last question?”
Sam whimpered: a good sign he’d taken our conversation seriously.
Victor grabbed a few spider prototype legs and wore them like claws. He walked them up my body with little pin-pricks of anticipation, then tapped the underside of my chin to draw me closer for a kiss.
I grinned and reached for the light bulb chain. “Trick or treat?”
Regardless of what Sam chose, it was sure to be a scream.
Home Movies
The dial tone beeped. Victor and I chuckled, our kiss briefly intercepted by teeth.
I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Does the basement count as a public area?”
“Probably. I’ll keep it PG.” He sucked my lips and cradled me against him, the spider-legs on his fingers digging into my ass. A flash of his tongue spiked my adrenaline.
I giggled and scooted back. “That’s PG-13.”
“Would you like to go to my room for some privacy?”
I whispered in his ear, “Does intimidating people make you horny?”
“Watching you do your thing in any capacity…” He hummed and hugged me tight. “That’s what gets me going.”
I stroked his hair and relished our newfound closeness, his breath warm on my neck, his heart open to mine. This was the strength I needed to take life’s hits.
He pressed a gentle kiss to the same spot he bit me.
A pleasant shudder worked its way through my body. This wasn’t some fling. He loved me.
My phone buzzed, jolting us out of our reverie.
“It’s not Sam. It’s Tori.” I opened the message in case it was an emergency.
< Tori: Are you mad at me? >
Victor frowned. “Why would you be mad at her?”
I started to fill him in on what’d happened earlier in the evening when she sent a follow-up message.
< Tori: I saved your pumpkin from Jen. [big eyes emoji] >
< Tori: Well, Mom and Dad helped me. >
Next, a video popped up with my pumpkin proudly displayed on the porch step in front of the porch cam. My spider glowed in wait for its next victim—or visitor.