Page 27 of Haunt the Mall
Thankfully, most of my coworkers were too busy with the party to witness our PG-13 wooing. But eventually, someone would come looking. Hopefully not Bree.
I fanned myself and backed away. “I wish I could stay, but I have a party to get to.”
His lip ticked up against the pink candy. “You’ll text me?”
I opened the door and winked. “Of course. You’re a VIP, Victor Sterling.”
My skirt spun out as I twisted around. It didn’t matter if I flashed him my undies. He’d see them soon enough if things kept going like this. His astonished chuckle warmed my cheeks.
I slipped back into my dark sanctuary, the exposed brick vibrating with triumphant music. Was it safe to dance? I peeked over my shoulder.
Victor yanked on the taffy with his teeth, suckling it as he leaned against the railing once more.
Oh, he wanted to watch me?
I flipped the lock shut and pinned my chest against the glass. It was enough to push the girls up front and center. I rubbed my body up and down as if to polish the window with my tits.
Fingers shaking, he stuffed the rest of the candy in his pocket. His fist could only disguise his growing stiffy so much.
I grinned and pressed the button for the metal grates to close up shop. The iron clanks combined with alternative rock stretched my spine. For a moment, this was our dungeon. Our show. I wiggled my fingers at my spider man as the gates descended.
He smirked and strolled away with the taffy perched at his lip like some bubblegum cigarette. But instead of puffing smoke, he exhaled fantasies.
I wrapped my fingers around the metal grates and lingered in my happy cage. Lucky for him, the rolling door kept me inside. But I wanted out. Soon.
Until next time, Victor Sterling.
Friend or Fiend?
A perfume musk drifted towards mem something cheap that was probably called ‘Heavenly’ or ‘Desire.’ It reeked of those spritzers from The Closette. Someone leaned over my shoulder. Someone horny, but not like me.
I started and turned to face Bree. “Hey.”
“Hey.” She squinted past me and adjusted her devilled headband. “What took you so long?”
“They were asking about the party.” Once upon a time, I would’ve told her about a cute guy. I shimmied sideways to block his retreating figure. “I put down the gates, so no one else should bother us tonight.”
She frowned. “They won’t be able to see us well, anyway. That guy’s outfit is kinda familiar though.”
Why was she looking at the one non-creep? I crossed my arms. “Lots of people wear black.”
She prowled along the gate. “Yeah, but it had those stripey things on his shirt sleeves. It was a uniform or something.”
I shrugged. Hopefully, she wouldn’t piece it together. “He wasn’t the only one here. Just the last one to go.”
She snapped her attention to me. “Do you know him?”
“N-not really. I’ve seen him around though.” The lie bubbled in my gut. “I don’t blame any passerby for being intrigued by our costume party.”
She narrowed her eyes and sidled up to the grates. “Now that you fed them, they might come back. Maybe that was your intention.”
What was that supposed to mean? I wasn’t after their attention. Maybe she wouldn’t be so suspicious if I gave her an inch of some other topic. “Next time, I might punish them. What do you think? Should I make them try on the superhero spandex?”
She snorted. “Please.”
I sauntered away from the grates. “I’m just saying, spandex leaves very little to the imagination. It could even the playing field a little.”