Page 41 of Haunt the Mall
He stroked my arm. “Text me. We’ll meet you in theater thirteen.”
Ah, he wanted to make out during another movie. The idea wasn’t exactly unappealing. I fiddled with my cross and nodded. “Lucky number thirteen.”
Sluts Make Sales
Chapter 20: Sluts Make Sales
As soon as I got home, I lifted my dress over my head and dropped it to the floor. My cat sniffed it and blinked at me.
I shimmied out of my tights. “What? Do I smell slutty?”
Jinx kneaded the crumpled garment.
“Is that a yes?” I asked.
He laid on the material and tucked his paws underneath him. Okay, he was probably more interested in warm clothes than my sex life. At least he wasn’t judging. But sex and sweat clung to me in a way Victor had earlier. Time to rinse off.
I would’ve loved to let warm water beat the memory of his touch into my bones, but my phone rang five minutes into my shower. I fumbled for my cell, half-hoping it’d be my spider man. But no. It was Tori.
Shivering, I stepped out of the steam and wrapped myself in a towel. Talking to my sister required clothing. “Isn’t this past your bedtime?” I asked.
“I know, but,” she yawned sweetly, “I wanted to see how your date went.”
“Good. Really good. We had dinner, watched a scary movie…” 'Dry-humped and jerked off—you know, first date things,' I stopped myself from saying.
“Oh, did he give you a goodnight kiss?”
I hugged my drooping towel at the memory of him pinning me to my car during our goodbye. His tongue had swept my lips. His cold fingers clasped my neck. I’d almost pulled him into the back seat for another round of dry humping. “We…yes. We had a very nice kiss,” I said, trying to keep it PG.
“I’m so happy for you.” She sighed wistfully. “So, do you think you’ll see him again?”
“Yeah. He already told me to text him when I’m free.” I waved away the steam clouds.
“He didn’t want to plan anything?”
“I don’t know,” I snapped. Way to call me on my insecurities. “Our schedules are too weird to throw out a simple offer like, ‘how’s Friday at 7:30?’ We work weekends, openings, closings, and—”
“Okay, okay. I only hope he treats you nicely,” she said.
“He did. Thanks. Goodnight, Tori. Go get some sleep.” I hung up and wiped my palm on the misty mirror. My reflection shone amid the broken streaks. In my towel, with my hair disheveled, makeup smudged, and skin flushed from hot water, I was actually pretty damn sexy.
Too bad Victor didn’t get to see this version of me. I glanced at the phone. It was too early for sexy photos. As much as I might’ve enjoyed a genuine fuck, it would’ve been bizarre to invite Victor to come home with me. He didn’t ask, for one thing. Secondly, we’d already done sexy things. What would be the point of a nightcap? Watch another movie? Get to know each other better? Keep humping?
Ugh, I needed sleep.
I rubbed myself dry with a towel and went to bed. It wasn’t long before exhaustion and Jinx’s purring lulled me into sleep.
My phone buzzed, jolting me out of the comforting darkness. Early morning rays beat against my dark curtains, so I squinted to find my cell charging on the nightstand.
< Bree: hey babe, I’m sick. might not make it in today :’( >
Was that a fucking joke? She was our opener. There was no time to find a cover. Hell, I might not make it even if I left in the next five minutes. But if I didn’t try, the store wouldn’t open until AJ got in.
I groaned and rolled out of bed. This was what I got for scheduling her on a morning shift.
I rifled through my drawers for torn black skinny jeans and a band tee I’d cut into an off-the-shoulder neckline. But it was dark, and so were the clothes, so I drew the curtain back to let in some light. Jinx rumbled disapprovingly and peeked at me with one eye open.