Page 76 of Haunt the Mall
Well, if he hadn’t walked out, I probably wouldn’t have creeped on him at all. A normal person would say they were grabbing something from their car, and they’d be right back.
Whatever. We were in this now.
The door creaked open, then the lock snapped shut. Each deliberately slow step drove me wild with curiosity. What had he gotten from the trunk?
I cuddled Jinx into my arms and watched the hall for signs of my spider hunk.
His thin shadow touched the door frame before his long fingers curled around it.
Jinx purred, the vibrations rattling my chest just as much as Victor’s presence.
My man stroked the wood downward, making my thighs clench, then slipped into my room, tossing a black and blue uniform onto my dresser. “I am somewhat prepared,” he said.
“So, you’re sleeping over?”
“Yes.” He twisted open his shirt buttons and smirked at the cracked window. “Did you need some fresh air?”
“No.” I closed the window, but I still needed some answers.
Tori texted in the morning. I silenced my phone so as not to disturb Jinx, at my stomach, or Victor, at my back.
< Tori: How was your date? >
< Me: It was a hell of a time [smiling devil imp emoji][fire emoji] >
< Tori: The haunted house wasn’t too scary? >
< Me: Naw, we got married [church emoji][skull emoji] >
I chuckled, then quickly then sent a follow up before she could call me.
< Me: JK [sticking tongue out emoji] >
< Tori: [soul leaving body emoji] >
Soft lips brushed my shoulder. I shivered as Victor sucked a kiss into my skin.
“Is that your alarm already?” His voice was at its most gravelly in the morning, which meant I was at my horniest.
I inadvertently ground my ass against his half-tented boxers. “No. It’s my sister, Tori.”
He planted kisses across my back while his hands roamed my belly under my shirt. “She’s up early. No sleep.”
I grinned, craning my neck to give him more access to skin. “You’re talking like a zombie.”
“Well, I am one, but you still married me last night.” He groped my breast and lightly bit my shoulder.
Hissing, I wiggled my hips. “Happy one-day anniversary.”
He moaned something into my neck. God, was it too early for sex? I could barely look at a screen without squinting. But even with my eyes closed, I could connect with Victor. At least physically.
We enjoyed a pretty domestic morning: sex, then drinking orange juice out of our skull glasses. Jinx had no problem migrating to a warm spot by the vent while Victor and I did physical activities, but he wouldn’t stop pawing at my legs during breakfast.
“Sheesh, at least let me eat, Jinx,” I muttered, withdrawing my foot to my chair.