Page 46 of Prospect Year
She gave him a smile and watched as he hurried toward the door.
He was greeted with squeals and laughter. Mia was also invited in to witness Chasity’s excitement. Of course, Sunni snapped lots of photos. And she was happy to be a part of this. It was worth the pain of facing her fear of driving.
When they headed out, Cowboy handed Lola a sheet of folded paper.
Mia settled behind the wheel again as Lola stood next to the Jeep. She watched him. He wasn’t moving, only staring at the open paper.
Slowly, he raised his head, locking eyes with her. This didn’t look good, whatever it was. “It’s a schedule,” Lola informed her.
Mia cocked her head. Schedule? For what? Did he still need her?
“Up for more driving? We’ have more bunny appearances to make.”
Mia wiggled in her seat. Yes! This was great. She would get to be a part of each of their days and see the excitement of the kids. What a perfect holiday.
Chapter 21
“Getting a late start today,” Amber commented when Lola jogged down the staircase, following her through the front door.
“Busy night,” he told her.
“I don’t want to know what that means,” she said, walking to her car.
“Smart decision,” he replied. “I’ve gotta go get my bike.”
“Need a ride?” Amber stopped walking, turning toward him.
He glanced toward the car sitting behind Amber’s. “No, thanks. I think I have a ride.” He closed her door as she settled in the car and buckled. Lifting a hand, he jogged back inside. He stood near the door and listened for Mia and Heather to pass through the grand room after finishing therapy. Heather’s voice. Perfect timing. He instantly dumped the coffee into the sink and stepped into the doorway.
“Good morning, ladies. Aren’t you two a sight to wake up to.”
Mia’s hand went to work, and Heather laughed.
“Are you scolding me?” he asked with a grin. “Or did you tell her how wonderful I make your mornings?”
Mia shook her head, twisting her lips as she looked toward her speech therapist.
“She said if you came home at a decent hour, you’d know morning was almost gone,” Heather translated.
“Awe, you missed me,” he teased Mia, bringing a look of irritation from her.
“I’ll leave you two alone to sort this out,” Heather said, reaching for the door.
“Can I bum a ride to the garage?” Lola asked.
“I’m heading back to my office, so I don’t see why not.”
“That’ll be great,” he told Heather. Moving behind Mia, his breath brushed her ear as he leaned close. “I missed you too.” And as quick as Mia turned toward him, he was out the door.
“Thanks for the ride,” Lola said as they pulled into the garage’s parking lot.
“My pleasure,” she told him. “It gave us a little extra time together.”
He grinned as he stood with his hand on the open car door leaning forward. “I’ll see you soon.” Then, he pushed the door closed and watched her drive away.