Page 13 of Oz Wisdom
Taylor jerked back toward Oz. He locked the house door and stepped around her, disappearing into the room to the right of the bathroom she had been staring at.
She squeezed her bag in her arms and spun toward the kitchen they had entered through. Moonlight filled a window above the sink, reflecting a shimmer across the small square metal table tucked against the opposite wall. She could grab more food and be on her way. He wouldn’t know until morning, and she’d be long gone. She scanned the living room where she stood. Simple. Definitely a bachelor pad. Nothing feminine or pretty about the place. Nothing personal really. She squinted toward a glass case. Red and green letters on an aged tan cover. A children’s book? She eased closer. The Wonderful World of Oz.
Not one she’d ever seen. It appeared to be old. Taylor sucked in a breath. An original? Maybe. She didn’t know the value of such an item or how to determine its worth. But it must be rare for him to have displayed it so carefully. Rare meant high dollar. She gripped the handle atop her backpack. It would fit nicely with the food. She could travel all night and reach a pawn shop first thing the next day and be set for a while. Possibly secure an apartment if she happened upon a knowledgeable dealer.
A smile lifted Taylor’s lips as she ran a fingertip along the edge of the glass display.
Chapter 6
"I hear you picked up Taylor last night,” Ghost said as he dropped into the seat next to Oz.
Oz only nodded. He had taken her to see Ruby earlier. And at Ruby's insistence, she had agreed to spend the day. So, he and Nova left them to their own discussions. Now they relaxed at the Landing following a busy lunch rush.
"What's the scoop?" Ghost asked.
"Not much to tell. She's been hiding out in the park at night and job hunting during the day.”
"Doesn’t she have family or someone to stay with?"
"No family here. And she had lost touch with any friends while with Drifter.”
"Tough. Have you talked to London?"
Oz cocked his head narrowing his eyes on Ghost. Ah. Angel Haven. "Good idea."
"Kind of dead around here,” Ghost commented, glancing around. "I bet she's at the place now."
"I'm outta here then.” Oz downed the last of his soda and carried the glass to the bar as he walked out. The thought flashed through his mind as he started his bike that Taylor may want to be consulted before he made arrangements for her. No, he decided. Apparently, her judgement wasn't it's best at the moment.
His mind returned to the morning as he rode across town to Angel Haven. He had been up for a while and accomplished a bit of work in his office before Taylor woke up. He was cooking breakfast when she appeared, still wearing the tee he had offered her the night before to sleep in. She appeared so frail. Just as she had felt when he lifted her and carried her from the park. Not what he recalled of her the last time he had seen her. It may have been a couple of years since they confronted that MC and she was there but he had not forgotten her. She had appeared a fish out of water that day.
Her eyes still sparkled then, filled with life. Now, they lacked the wonder of life and only focused on survival. Survival. His shoulders fell recalling how Taylor scarfed down the meager breakfast he had prepared.
“Want more?” he had asked. She had shaken her head but he didn’t believe her.
She then leaned back in her chair and raised her gaze toward his. “How did you know I wouldn’t rob you and sneak out during the night?”
He wished he could admit the question had caught him off guard, but it hadn’t. He had witnessed her studying the rare first edition book in the living room when he emerged from his room for the restroom. She could have easily taken it. And with the right buyer would have been set for a while. But desperate people don’t seek out the collectors. She would have hocked it and he would have had no problem tracking it back down and her.
“You’re not a thief,” he replied.
She said nothing in reply which only confirmed what he knew. She had considered it. Or at the least realized it was possible.
“I have no reason not to trust you,” he added. And at that moment, he vowed to see her on the right path again with that brightness back in eyes.
He rolled to a stop in front of the massive home. A few cars dotted the long circle drive. London's car. Rash's bike. Lola's jeep. And an unknown vehicle. He jogged toward the door and walked in to find Junior, Rash's son, running through the home. He laughed to himself and headed for London's office.
The door stood open, and she was at her desk.
"Got a minute?" he asked, stepping inside.
She looked up with a smile as always. "Of course. Come in and have a seat."
Chapter 7
Taylor stepped from Oz’s car, her head tilting back as she took in the massive estate. Oz had talked about Angel Haven the night before when he picked her up from the visit with Ruby. But she didn’t expect a place so extravagant. It appeared larger than the houses she grew up in.