Page 26 of Oz Wisdom
Taylor whirled toward her sister's voice. Of course, she would choose this moment to show up.
"What are you doing here? You disappear then show up out of the blue wanting to be welcomed? You don't have what it takes to be part of this family. Or have you finally learned to take what you deserve?” Tenley laughed. "You couldn't entice a man from an older woman. Or any woman for that matter. Have you? So, you decided to settle for what?” She twisted looking at the truck. “A mechanic? Classic Taylor. No backbone.”
Taylor glanced toward Oz. Her heart sank. Why did he have to hear this? His jaw ticked and his eyes narrowed on her sister. What was he thinking?
"Let's discuss this inside. You're drawing attention from the neighbors,” her father scolded.
"Go to the truck,” Oz snapped.
Taylor searched his eyes, finding nothing there but anger. She reached for a bag until his hand landed on hers. His touch was gentle but demanding.
"Go. To. The. Truck," he said once more. "I've got this."
A moment’s hesitation and Taylor turned toward the truck sitting in the driveway. She didn't want to stay here anymore. Not that she had ever been keen on the idea. But after the unexpected and unwelcoming greeting, she'd be happy to take her chances anywhere but here. The city park was looking good again.
She settled onto the old bench seat of the truck and watched the exchange at the doorway. Anger seemed to radiate from Oz although she never heard his voice. She rolled the window down enough to hear, or she thought so. He was obviously passionate with his speech, but his voice never raised to where she could hear. Maybe she didn't want to know how he was convincing them to take her in. Yeah, that was probably best. She rolled the window back up.
Was that shock filling her mother's face? And did Oz just cut off her father’s words with a palm to his face? This didn't look well. She squeezed her eyes, dreading the aftermath she would be dealing with. It was a big house. Larger than any she grew up in, so maybe she could avoid them easily.
Blowing out a deep breath, she opened her eyes to see Oz storming toward her, a bag in each hand. He flung them onto the back of the truck and turned, flashing her a smile. Movement caught her attention. Tenley jogged toward, them saying something Taylor couldn't hear. "Back off,” she heard Oz shout as he jerked open Taylor's door, slapping the door lock down and shoving the door closed.
He hurried around the hood of the truck and climbed behind the wheel. Without a word he turned the key.
Taylor jumped and twisted toward the window next to her. Tenley’s fists pounded against the glass. Her voice shrill and angry.
"Don't open that door,” Oz said, and began backing from the driveway.
Taylor looked back at Tenley screaming for her to open her door as she continued to slap at the truck as it began to move. The warmth of Oz's hand over hers brought her attention back to him. He said nothing as he released her hand and drove back to the hotel in silence. Still, he said nothing as he grabbed her bags and opened her door.
Taylor followed him in, falling onto the end of the bed next to her bags. What now? Why had he brought her back here? She wanted to know, but one glance at him staring through the window told her not to ask. At least not now. His back was to her, his hands pressed against the glass pane. The rigid tension in his muscles screamed of anger. Anger for who? She wasn't sure she was ready to know that either.
So, she waited.
And her mind wandered.
Her family did not welcome her. No surprise there. There was really nothing in Louisiana for her to go back to. She'd had enough club life. And even if she wanted that, Oz’s club did not want her. More importantly, Oz appeared irritated that she may return.
"What did she mean that you weren't good enough to take another woman's man?”
"That's what she strives for. And if I couldn't be like her, I couldn't live there. She picked a man, I failed, and she kicked me out.”
"I had to drop classes to work full time to afford rent and eventually dropped out of school."
"Who was it?"
Taylor hesitated but he most likely knew anyway. "Nealy’s boyfriend at the time,” she whispered.
There was no going back now. She had crossed a line with the club. Even though she hadn’t tried hard. Only enough for her sister to witness an attempt. She slid her backpack up her arms. She glanced toward him. He hadn't moved. She stood and picked up the extra bag she now had.
"Put down the bags."
Taylor twisted toward Oz again. His back still faced her. "I'll be fine." She turned toward the door. An instant later, his hands were on her arms.
"Where's your phone?"
"My purse."