Page 7 of Oz Wisdom
"I'm looking for my sister, Tenley.”
The woman smiled. "I only met her a handful of times, but you do clearly resemble her. She moved nearly a year ago. It'll be a year in May. But I believe I still have her new address. Let me check."
Taylor's heart plummeted. "I'd appreciate that. We've been out of touch for a while, but I'd love to reach her.”
The woman scurried away, returning quickly with a small sheet of paper. "This is the address she left for me. I hope you two connect. Family is special.”
"Thank you."
“Good luck."
Taylor turned away and waited until she stood under one of the streetlights beginning to flicker to take a look at her new destination. Hopefully she hadn't moved far. Knowing Tenley, she would have upgraded, as she would say, to a larger home. Not that she would have needed more room. That's just how her sister was. The bigger the better. Or she could have dug her claws into another man, who brought her into his own home this time instead of just throwing money at her.
She held up the address and instantly her arm fell limp and she squeezed her eyes. Kansas City. She had not only upgraded, but she had also moved to a larger town far from here.
Now what? Taylor stared blindly at the road. Who could she contact? No one. She never really had friends. Not anyone she could trust anyway. She could walk to the clubhouse and when they were asleep sneak in and take her car. Her shoulders fell. Drifter kept the keys. That was hopeless. Well, which way to start walking? The park. The short road next to her led to the park. It was a nice place and safe. And close. If she hurried, she could sneak in as it closed its gates for the night.
A burst of energy quickened her pace as she jogged the short distance to the city park. The parking lot appeared empty from where she stood at the fence. The ticket booth was dark. Two trucks sat nearby. She slipped in and ran into the security of darkness behind the ranger station. Safely behind the building, she slumped against the brick wall, catching her breath.
Muffled voices reached her moments before motors came to life and faded in the distance. Cameras. Were there cameras to spy on her? She looked around taking cautious steps as she examined the area surrounding the building and entrance. Didn't appear to be security. Oh, well. If there were and she was arrested for trespassing, she'd have a place to stay for the night.
Taylor set out toward the playgrounds. She settled onto the first picnic table she reached and dropped her backpack onto the bench next to her. Her stomach rumbled as she removed the water and sandwich she had taken from the clubhouse. She divided the sandwich in half, wrapping one half to go back in her bag. Mmm. The best sandwich she had ever tasted. Or maybe it was so good knowing her meals may be scarce for a while. There was a small grocery store near here. That would be her first stop in the morning. How perfect would that be? She could work nearby and stay here at night until she made enough money to rent something.
It felt so good to be off her feet and she was tired, but she needed to make it to the restroom. One last sip of her water and she stood, scooping up her bag and setting out toward the small building across from the playground.
The place was clean. She tossed her bag next to the sink and took care of business and washed her hands and face. She stared at the strange woman looking back. She looked rough, same as she felt. Not that she expected to sleep well tonight but maybe some rest would help. She climbed onto the counter, pulling her backpack up her arms where it rested against her chest. Her feet in the sink, she inched toward the corner next to the mirror and leaned her head against the wall.
Tomorrow was a new day. A new journey in life. Mixed emotions warred at this revelation, but all soon faded as sleep won her over.
Chapter 3
Oz rolled to a stop in front of a small green cottage. It had been a few days since the fiasco happened that played out and took the life of the woman the club knew at one time. Ruby had taken it hard and had refused to return to the clubhouse. At least for a while. This meant Nova had also been scarce, staying near her.
He strolled toward the side door underneath the carport. The door swung open as he reached the steps. "I was wondering how long it would take for you to show up."
Oz grinned up at Nova. "You miss me?"
"Hell, I would have locked the door and hid if I knew you were coming."
"Good thing I didn't come to see you."
Nova moved back as Oz stepped inside.
"How's she doing?" Oz whispered.
“Better. She was beating herself up pretty bad that she didn't reach out and find her sooner. But she knows in her heart that wasn't possible.”
“Good.” Oz glanced toward the case opening leading into the living room. There she was. Missing her usual bright smile, but also not sad.
"Hey Oz.” Ruby padded past them toward the oven. "I made lasagna. You'll stay and eat won't you?"
"Now how can I turn that down?"
Ruby flashed him a smile. "It's been a little quiet around here. I believe Nova is getting bored, but I can't get him to leave the house.”
"I'll definitely stay for dinner then we'll take a ride,” Oz told her.
"That sounds perfect.” Ruby stepped close as she carried the casserole dish to the table. "He thinks he needs to sit here and babysit me."