Page 1 of Dark As Coal
I couldn’t help the smile that came across my face this morning as I pulled out of the clubhouse and headed to school.
My freaking jaw was starting to hurt.
How that man could say little to no words, and still completely mesmerize me, I had no freaking clue.
But he did all of that and then some.
That ever-present saying that actions speak louder than words could never be truer than when I was with Coal Matthew Adams.
With just that on my mind, I knew nothing was going to bring down the high I had going on today.
Not any of the kids that would be walking through those doors and having the mentality that they weren’t going to do a thing I asked of them today.
Not creepy McPeterson, our janitor, and his wandering eyes and the licking of his lips when he sees a woman with a nice round ass.
Why that shiver?
Because he looked like a cross between Grandpa Munster and Steve Buscemi.
Steve Buscemi is the man who played the serial killer in the movie Con Air. You know, the one that sat playing with a Barbie doll with that little girl? Yeah, enough freaking said.
That thought was wiped from my mind when I glanced at the clock and moved to the door of my classroom.
I was ready.
I was prepared.
Any minute now, I would see my teaching assistant leading the kids from the lunchroom where they waited until the first bell of the morning sounded.
I had just gotten into place when my phone vibrated with a text.
Knowing they wouldn’t be here for a few minutes longer; I pulled my phone from my dress. Yes, my pretty, mauve-colored dress that sat just below my knees had pockets.
I had this same dress in six other colors because of the pockets. I loved it.
Coal – You’re free tonight. Family dinner.
Not even the text I just received was going to dampen my mood.
Not after the events of last night and again this morning… twice.
It didn’t even bother me that he had yet to kiss me or let me kiss him. Nope, it didn’t. Because after that man has had me in positions that even some Playboy Bunnies wouldn’t want to be in, I didn’t complain.
With that smile firmly on my face, I pocketed my phone, and just in time too.
Because I saw my teaching assistant round the corner with the kids.