Page 47 of Dark As Coal
“Okay…” and she stopped talking when I carefully lifted her in my arms and then looked at Asher.
“Anything else that needs me, it can fucking wait. Now, I’m going to carry my woman to my room, and worship her body like I was meant to do.”
And that… well… that was why the music in the clubhouse half an hour later was loud and drowning out the sounds I was making my woman make.
Chapter 11
Sitting at my desk, I logged into my computer to check my emails.
And one email… umm… had I read that correctly?
“Dear Ms. Hartman,” yeah, that’s me and I couldn’t wait for the day to change my last name to Adams, “Last night our son swallowed a ring. We rushed him to the emergency room. The doctor said it was too low already to retrieve. Since we are going for perfect attendance with him, we want to get him into Yale, he will be at school today. But if you don’t mind, can you please go with him when he needs to use the bathroom and check to see if the ring is in there? Awe, you will, thank you so much. Have a good day. Sincerely, Mrs. Edinson the IV.”
It took me a moment to really take in exactly what the email said, and when it did, I tagged my phone and called Coal.
He answered on the third ring, and that told me that he was in his shed, but I would get to that here in a moment, “Yeah, Soulshine?”
“You will never believe the email I just got…” and then I read the email to him word for word.
Someone’s mumbling in the background could clearly be heard, but I paid it no mind.
“You’re shitting me,” even he sounded exasperated which took a hell of a lot to do.
I shook my head, “Nope. Definitely not. Make me a promise?”
Immediately, he said, “Name it, Soulshine.”
“If I ever turn into a mother that would make someone else take care of my child, shoot me.”
“Soulshine, I won’t shoot you; I’ll just shoot myself, that way you will have a visual reminder.”
And that ladies and gents, was how my panties got wet, and all I had to say was, “I love you, Coal Baby.”
That dark rasp from his voice, “Love you too, Soulshine.”
Those words from him caused my heart to skip a beat.
Just like it did every time he answered the call on the first ring, that meant he wasn’t busy.
If he answered it on the second ring, it meant he was in church.
And of course, the third ring meant he was in the shed.
The fourth ring meant he was riding his bike.
And I never got to the fifth ring. Ever.
The day had been wonderful and since it was Friday, and on a certain day, I had plans.
Plans that would ensue Coal giving me that rare smile of his I adored.
And that was because I still held a secret.
A secret that no one knew but me.
Just as I was putting my bag in my car, I heard my name being called and turned around and frowned.