Page 57 of Dark As Coal
What I didn’t know was that I should’ve gotten off this bed and followed her immediately.
That was until half an hour while we were in church as the girls got breakfast started when Asher’s phone rang, since he was going over a report Charlie had handed him, he put it on speaker, “Yeah?”
“Dad, remind me to never piss off Adeline. Holy shit.” I heard Stella, hell we all heard her.
“Language. And what the fuck do you mean?” He asked.
“Fucking Adeline came in here all sweet and smiles, and then the moment her gaze landed on Angelyn, she stormed over there, grabbed Angelyn by the hair, and then dragged her kicking and screaming to… oh shit. Ouch. Oh, that had to hurt.”
“Stella, baby, focus, what happened?” Asher asked as we all stood up and then all as one, we started for the door.
On the way there I murmured darkly, “That crazy bitch touches her, I’ll end her.”
“Umm, Dad?” We all heard.
“Still here,” He asked. None of us had yet to move.
No, we were taking in the remnants of a struggle.
Then… at her words, we still had yet to move, “Is there someplace you can hide the body?”
He asked one question, “Why?”
“No one, and I mean, no one hurts my man and lives to talk about it.” We all heard Adeline as she stated that with zero remorse in her voice.
“Sweetie, if you kill her, it will live with you the rest of your life.” That was Gabby.
“And? How would you feel if this bitch did the same thing to Pipe?” That was my woman.
Gabby again, “I know. But this will haunt you for the rest of your life.”
“Fine.” Adeline snarled. “Get me some rope.”
“Rope?” That was Priest.
I knew where there was rope. And I knew where Adeline had taken her.
Spinning on my boot I headed outside, my brothers following me.
The moment we stepped into the shed, and walked down the steps, we all saw Angelyn bound to a chair in the middle of the clubhouse.
What was missing on Angelyn was her hair, apparently, my woman had used one of my knives.
But not just on her hair… no… Angelyn now had blood seeping through her shirt that had slashes in it.
Searching the main room, I finally spotted Adeline who had an ice pack on her right hand.
Walking over to her, her eyes locked with mine, “She was the one that shot me. I saw the gun from the corner of my eye before I moved to protect you. Her excuse was that if she couldn’t have you then no one could.”
And nothing could have prepared me after I pulled Adeline in my arms, when Asher called out, “If you’re not a brother, and if you’re not Adeline, then you need to get the hell out of here.”
The women left, and then Asher looked at my woman, “You get your revenge all out of you?”
She didn’t reply, not until she shook her head, stepped from my embrace, and muttered, “Not quite yet.”
Every single man in the shed grunted when Adeline grabbed the biggest adjustable wrench I had and swung it at Angelyn’s face as hard as she could.
The only words that fell from any of our mouths, came from Piney, “That’s my fucking daughter.”