Page 22 of Empower
It also grew in the way that anytime we were all at the clubhouse for dinner, I had a permanent seat right beside him.
And god help anyone who tried to take it from me.
Just like a few weeks ago.
We were celebrating the fourth and chapters from all over had shown up.
As well as a few allied clubs.
Those allied clubs brought some girls with them that weren’t family members and weren’t ol’ ladies.
I had been busy getting my plate when I turned to head to my seat when I saw some woman slide into my chair and then move to place her hand on Storm’s forearm.
Well... that hand didn’t make it.
Because Storm stood up so fast, his chair flew back, as he grabbed the seat the woman was sitting on, my seat, mind you, and jerked it back.
You could have heard a spark plug misfiring in a Harley motor as all eyes flew in that direction as the woman cursed.
“That seat belongs to someone else. Get the fuck gone.” Storm roared.
We all watched as the girl stood up, tugging her mini skirt down her legs that barely covered her pussy and ass.
Then she stormed away from him in her five-inch hooker heels with her over-bleached blonde strands swaying.
I had made it back to Storm’s side, then sat my plate down after Storm righted my chair.
With my butt in my seat, Storm made his plate.
Halfway through after his eyes had been glaring daggers over to where the woman now stood, her hands waving in the air at some biker, he stood, then walked over to them, and tilted his chin after saying a few words to him.
Then I watched as the two of them headed into the clubhouse.
Once I ate, I finally took a chance and hoped the bathroom would be free, because I had been holding it in. All for the food. Yes, I was a food snob. Sue me.
As I headed to the bathroom, I halted outside of Storm’s office to hear him ripping someone a new asshole.
“What the absolute fuck were you thinking bringing those sluts to a goddamned family fucking function? Give me one good goddamned reason I shouldn’t blow your brains out and smatter them all over my office wall.”
I squeaked at that and then raced to the bathroom.
Not because I was scared of Storm.
Not because I really had to pee.
Not because what he said, for some reason, really turned me on.
Oh, who the hell was I kidding, everything about Storm turned me on.
But because he was discussing something that should remain club business. Not for outsiders to hear.
And after I used the bathroom, and meandered around outside, I sat back down in my chair just as soon as he did as well. Then I leaned in and whispered, “I really think you need to have your office soundproofed, Storm.”
He lifted a brow, “Were you scared?”
I looked at him bug-eyed, “Of you?”
He nodded.