Page 59 of Empower
I looked slightly left and noticed that Storm had placed his body in front of Krys. Yeah, I love that man even more.
I didn’t need to hear any more from her. I charged her now that Krys was safe. I threw an uppercut with my whole body in that one punch.
She went down hard and hit her head. I didn’t feel any pain in my hand. That was good. Right?
My father and the guys came around the corner and grabbed her up, while I rushed to Krys, her little eyes were wide until she saw me and then she began to scream.
I got her out of that car seat and cuddled her close. She wrapped her hand in my shirt, laid her head down and fell asleep. I looked over and all eyes were on me.
I looked at Storm, and he was intently watching us.
I knew he could read what my brain and my heart were telling me.
He nodded at me.
I looked at my father and said those words I’ll never regret. “I don’t give a damn what happens to her. I wanna know where Krys came from. I want her birth certificate and I want her to sign a termination of rights document. She’s never getting near this baby again” I vowed.
My dad nodded at me. “It’ll be done, doll face.” They all left, Storm kissed me on the forehead and said he’d be back.
And he was right back after he got me and him a change of clothes, and together we cuddled around Krys in the too-big hospital bed.
We had her admitted so they could run tests, and we also found out that the syringe she had poised to shove into Krys’s arm was none other than heroin. That. Fucking. Bitch.
It wasn’t until two days later that I got the best gift ever.
I was still at the hospital because Krys would throw an absolute fit if I wasn’t near her where she could see.
My father, Storm, the club lawyer, and two other people, two women in business attire approached us. I was asked if I wanted to be Krys’s legal guardian, I thought they were joking.
When I looked into Storm’s eyes they held the truth.
“Yes, I would love to be her legal guardian.” I again had tears coming out of my eyes.
I was told to sign on the dotted line, as well as a few other signatures. It turned out my sister was Krys’s mother but never filled out her birth certificate. She had given birth at home.
And no one knew who the father was.
Combine that, with the fact that I’m the closest relative and the termination of rights she just happened to have on her I was given full and legal custody of Krys.
The next day she was cleared by the doctor; after she had received a full panel work-up.
Thankfully, she was perfectly healthy, albeit, dehydrated when she came in, and massively underweight.
Once I got her dressed in the things Raine had purchased, we headed out to where Storm was waiting for us with the heat cranked to full blast.
Krys had her head resting on my shoulder, and asked sleepily, “We go home?”
I smiled, pressed a kiss atop her head, and said, “Yes, baby. We are going home.”
When we exited the hospital, it was to see Storm leaning up against my truck with what looked to be tons of baby things, resting in the back.
I shouldn’t have been surprised.
Krys was already loved and would be protected by my fierce giant. We all loaded up in the truck and headed home.
I again shouldn’t have been surprised when we pulled up to the house to see all kinds of cars, trucks, and bikes on my road.
As soon as we stopped the brothers began getting things out of the truck and carrying them into the house.