Page 61 of Empower
I grinned, then as I headed to do just that, I stopped, looked at him, and asked, “What happened to Karly?”
“She’s somewhere where she will never bother a living soul again.” He told me.
I smiled, “Good. Fucking. Riddance. Would it be bad if I danced over her grave?”
“If she had one, then nah. It wouldn’t be.” I smiled the entire time I headed to the bathroom and flushed my birth control tablets down the toilet.
Chapter 13
I hated being pulled away from Lena, and now Krys.
We’ve had her at home for a week now, and already I was itching to get back home.
But I didn’t know if they were there.
As I waited for the brothers to finish loading up the new shipment of guns we had been paid for, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and thumbed a message to Lena.
Me – Are you at home?
As I waited for her to text me back, I scrolled through some gift ideas for Krys. Since this was her first Christmas with us, I wanted to do it up huge.
I had just looked at an ad for a mini-Harley and wondered if Lena would get pissed off at me. But... I knew the makeup sex would be so worth it.
Just as I thought that my phone pinged with a text.
Precious – Yes. Dad just picked up Krys.
Me – On my way.
Once I got on my bike, I headed home.
Fifteen minutes later I was shutting my bike off just in time for my eyes to catch our front door opening, and in her hand were two cold beers.
Taking my helmet off I hung it from the handlebars.
The moment I reached her steps, she smiled.
Damn, but I would fight forcing out my last breath to be greeted like this every day.
I didn’t care about what she had on.
All I wanted, all I needed was to see that smile of hers.
She held out one beer to me, I twisted the cap off, then handed it to her, and took the other beer.
I followed her into the house, and closed the door, toeing off my boots, I met her on her couch.
“I’m not going to ask, but is it all handled?” She asked.
I nodded, “Yeah. And I appreciate you not asking.”
She grinned, “So you’re here. What did you want to talk about?”
I took another pull from my beer, then sat it on the coffee table, “I want to be married to you before Christmas. So, whatever we need to do to make that happen, I want you to get started on it.”
She nodded, “Yeah, I love that idea too. Honestly, we need to see what all we need. I can find a dress. All I want you in is your kutte, a black button-down with your sleeves rolled up your forearms. And well, I want to get married in the clubhouse. The spot where we danced for the first time. Is that okay with you?”