Page 65 of Empower
Not even two minutes later, Lena’s phone was ringing.
She sighed, then leaned across me to the coffee table, and picked up her phone.
Then she narrowed her eyes and took the call. “Hello.”
I was silent as I listened.
Then when she dropped her head, and sighed, I asked, “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, one of the nurses had car trouble. Raine is already over her hours, and I am too, but with this, I’ll have the next three days off.”
I nodded, “You got to go in?”
She nodded.
Fuck, I hated lying to her.
But if it was for a surprise, then it would be, okay? Right?
After she got ready, I got up off the couch and said, I’ll take you to work. Got some errands to run. Text me when you get off and I’ll pick you up, alright?”
She nodded.
Fifteen minutes later, she was getting off the bike, taking her helmet off, and shaking out her hair, why I asked what I did, I couldn’t tell you.
Lena didn’t deserve for me to ask her this question, but if there was one thing I knew about Lena, other than she loved me and my daughter, was that I could trust her. With all of me.
Therefore, I locked eyes with her and asked, “You don’t mind me dropping you off at work? Right?”
Her head tilted to the side, and she got this incredulous look in her eyes, then she snapped, showing me that fire, I fucking loved, “What the fuck, Storm? Do I mind you dropping me off at work, you’re shitting me with this shit, aren’t you?”
“It’s a simple question, Lena.”
“What the fucking hell is your problem, Storm? Have I ever acted like I never wanted to be seen with you?”
“That was Raine’s mother’s excuse as to why she couldn’t work. She didn’t want anyone treating her badly.”
“Treating her badly? What the hell? Not only are y’all a bunch of great men, but y’all aren’t afraid to do the things that over three-fourths of the population won’t do. All because they’re scared of having a freaking broken fingernail. Come the fuck on.”
“Alright, Precious. Calm down. Yeah?” I knew I fucked up.
Her eyes narrowed, “Calm down. Calm. Down? You never tell a woman to calm down.” She snapped.
And then when I opened my mouth to say, yes ma’am, she snapped again.
“Then she’s a dumbass bitch and should have her woman card revoked. What a fucking cow.”
I chuckled, “Okay, Precious. Just checking.”
“And fun fact, Storm. You ever address me as Lena when you want to know something, I’m going to shove my size six foot up your ass. Capiche?”
I knew she was trying to be hard as nails, but her saying, capiche? I busted out laughing.
But I sobered up real quick when she glared and started to head into the hospital.
Oh no. That just wouldn’t do.
Quickly, I got off my bike, stormed up to her, wrapped my arm around her waist, twisted her, and hauled her into my body.