Page 24 of Captiva Ever After
Millie got off the bus and, carrying one suitcase, walked into the Outreach Center Shelter. A young woman carrying a clipboard approached her.
“Hi, I’m Kendra. Can I have your name?”
“Millie Brenner.”
“Welcome, Millie. Let’s get you settled. Follow me.” Millie followed Kendra and looked around the room. Cots lined both sides of the auditorium, and she was shocked at the number of people that had come to the shelter.
“It’s pretty crowded here,” she said.
Kendra nodded. “You’re lucky. We still have a few beds left but when they fill up, we’ll be putting people downstairs in the smaller hall. They’ll have to make do with blankets and pillows.”
They stopped at the far end of the room. “This is your bed. You can put your things over there.”
Millie was grateful for the bed and also pleased that she had only one other person close to her spot and she didn’t have any children with her.
A woman who looked to be in her forties, extended her hand. “Hi, I’m Kira.”
Shaking Kira’s hand, Millie smiled.
“Nice to meet you, Millie. Have you ever been near a hurricane before?”
Millie shook her head. “Nope. This will be my first.”
“I’m going to get a coffee. Would you like a cup?”
“Yes, please…black.”
“Be right back.”
Kira walked to the front of the hall where tables had been set up for hot coffee and snacks.
Millie wondered how many times she’d have to lie to Maggie about her situation before it became necessary to tell her new employer the truth. For now, it was best that she keep to herself and share little with anyone.
Kira returned with two black coffees. “This should hit the spot,” she said, handing Millie her cup.
“Do you live in Fort Myers?” Kira asked.
Taking a sip of her coffee, Millie shook her head. “No, I’m renting a place on Captiva Island.”
“Wow, lucky you. I live in a small apartment near Fort Myers Beach. I could never afford a place on the island.”
Millie didn’t want to explain that she had just enough rent money for three months. Without her new job at the Key Lime Garden Inn, she’d have to find something off-island.
“The Outreach Center has been a real blessing. I was laid off from my job a few months ago and along with the food they distribute every week, they’ve been a wonderful support and resource for me.”
Millie took note of what Kira said. At least she’d be able to eat if things got really bad.
She took out a book from her bag and sat back on the cot. Hoping Kira would take the hint, she pretended to read. Her move seemed to work as Kira, facing the front of the room, laid down and pulled the blanket over her body.
Millie looked around the room and wondered where all the people came from. It was hard to tell how many were tourists or area residents, but it wasn’t lost on her that there were far more people who needed help than there were escaping to mansions in West Palm Beach.
* * *
Paolo returned from Sanibellia having made arrangements for employees to be paid for however long they’d be out of work. It was the right thing to do given their commitment and loyalty to the business over the years.
Sanibellia, Paolo’s nursery business, was several miles from the Key Lime Garden Inn on Sanibel Island. Both Captiva and Sanibel were vulnerable to the hurricane and Paolo worried that the structure over his nursery would collapse during the storm.