Page 37 of Captiva Ever After
Michael seemed surprisingly happy about the idea, and informed his therapist, who thought it was a good idea.
Now, sitting outside her office, Brea’s hands folded on her lap, she was suddenly nervous. Michael reached over and held her hand.
“There’s nothing to be nervous about. You’ll like her; she’s easy to talk to,” he said.
Dr. Elizabeth Wells opened the door to her office and smiled at Michael and Brea. “Come in. Welcome. I’m doctor Wells.”
She extended her hand to Brea, who took it and shook. “Brea Wheeler, Michael’s wife.”
Michael and Dr. Wells smiled at that.
“Oh, I’m sorry, of course you know that.”
“Please, won’t you sit down?”
Brea followed Michael to the sofa and just as she did in the waiting room, Brea folded her hands and rested them on her lap.
“So, Brea, why don’t we start with you? What made you think about joining your husband in these sessions?”
Wow, right to the point. Now that you’re here, get on with it.
“Well, I’ve been going through some things for a while and so I thought it would be good to talk to someone…a professional.”
“Is this something that Michael is aware of?” she asked.
Brea shook her head. “No. I haven’t really talked to him about it.”
“Can I ask why not?”
Brea paused and thought about how best to frame her answer.
“I haven’t wanted to…I didn’t want to bother him.”
Michael’s brow furrowed and he looked hurt. “Honey, you can talk to me about anything, you know that.”
Brea nodded. “Yes, I know…well, except lately, you know, ever since…”
Michael sighed. “Ever since the shooting,” he answered.
“Is that true, Mrs. Wheeler?”
“Yes. Michael’s been through a lot these last months,” she answered.
Dr. Wells nodded. “That’s true, he has, but I would say that his entire family has been through a lot. What happened to Michael affected you and your children and those who are close to the both of you.”
“Is it just the stress of these last months or is there something specific…something I can help you with?” he asked.
Brea looked directly into Michael’s eyes and didn’t hold back.
“I want to go back to school. I never finished college and it’s been one of my biggest regrets. I want to get my BA in English with a creative writing concentration.”
Michael looked like he was going to laugh, but instead held back from appearing as if he didn’t take her seriously.
“Brea, honey, why is this the first I’m hearing about this?”
“Well, technically, it’s not. I’ve told you this many times before.”
“That’s not what I mean,” he said. “You’ve never explained it as something that’s making you unhappy.”