Page 45 of Captiva Ever After
“What? You just got back from a cruise.”
Her grandmother stopped and looked at Lauren. “Don’t you think I know that?”
The five-foot-one woman scurried past Lauren and went into the kitchen.
“Do you want something to drink, dear? You’re looking a little pale. I think you’re working too hard. You and Jeff should take a trip to a warmer climate. This time of year is really rough on the skin. You need vitamin D.”
Her grandmother opened a small bottle of apple juice and downed half of it standing in the middle of the kitchen.
“No, thank you. I don’t want anything.”
Lauren went back to the living room and sat on the sofa. Her grandmother was right, she was tired and looked it. She’d been juggling too many balls. Between work, the kids, and constantly worrying about her family’s troubles, Lauren felt worse than tired, she felt weak.
“You’ve got to take better care of yourself, Lauren. You’ve always had a type-A personality. You don’t know how to relax and stop trying to achieve the impossible. Stop and smell the roses was a term designed just for you and people like you. Let it all go and you get your husband to take you on a cruise. You’ll love it. It will take years off your life. Look what it did for me.”
“Yes, by all means, let’s get back to you. Don’t forget Chris and Beth’s weddings with all the traveling that you’re doing. They’d be heartsick if you didn’t show up.”
“Don’t you worry about that. We’re staying in Key West right up until the wedding. Then, Winston and I will pop over to Captiva.”
“You’re bringing Winston to the weddings? Do Beth and Chris know this?”
“I sent back the RSVP and wrote down two names and chose two meals. Unless they’re dumb, someone will see that I’m bringing a guest.”
“What about Thanksgiving? Jeff and I thought we’d have a small gathering at our place. Beth and Gabriel are going to Gabriel’s brother’s house. Chris and Becca said they might come but couldn’t be certain because of Becca’s work. Michael and Brea decided to have a turkey at their house because Michael likes the leftovers. I was counting on you to join us.”
“Lauren, honey, with Beth and Chris both getting married in a few weeks, you can hardly complain that the family isn’t getting together. Isn’t it possible for you to have a quiet Thanksgiving and get ready for the chaos that is just around the corner?”
Lauren wasn’t one to pout, but her grandmother’s words stung. She loved the old family traditions that were slowly slipping away before her eyes. She watched Grandma Sarah continue her running back and forth from room to room as she slumped into the sofa.
So far, she was the only family member who’d been privy to her grandmother’s antics. She wondered if she could convince her mother to have a serious talk with Grandma Sarah, but then pushed that thought away. Her mother was already dealing with so much in preparation for the weddings. Maggie didn’t need another headache, and Lauren was certain that’s what her grandmother’s latest activities would be labeled.
Lauren understood that Grandma Sarah saw things differently. To her grandmother, life was for the living and as long as she walked this earth, she was going to do it in style. Lauren had to admit that her grandmother was right about living life to its fullest, still, she couldn’t wait to pass Grandma Sarah’s latest escapades along to her siblings.
No matter how Lauren described their grandmother’s appearance and attitude, until her brothers and sisters saw her with their own eyes, they’d never believe the new and improved, albeit outrageous, Sarah Garrison.
* * *
Maggie needed as many hands on deck as possible to get ready for the double wedding. She didn’t worry so much about what was going on with the surrounding landscape. The men in her life had that covered.
Devon, Clayton and Trevor Hutchins along with Paolo, Crawford, Joshua and Luke worked hour after hour to repair, build and create a landscape that would not only be the envy of her neighbors, but would set the stage for the most beautiful double wedding anyone could ask for.
The island’s businesses slowed after the storm but not for long. With the upcoming Christmas Fair just around the corner, the island’s usual holiday excitement flourished as it had in years past.
“I’ve got a surprise for you,” Riley announced.
Riley’s sister, Grace Cuthbert, once a Key Lime Garden Inn chef, had married Connor Healy, another chef who worked at the Pelican Pantry.
After getting married the two opened their own restaurant on Sanibel Island. Tropical Vegan was now a popular place for young people and tourists to congregate as well as eat healthy farm-to-table vegan cuisine.
Maggie clapped her hands.
“Grace! Oh my goodness, look at you.”
Maggie threw her arms around Grace and hugged her tight. “When are you due?”
Grace rubbed her belly. “April 3rd. I’ve got plenty of time yet, but it’s fun now that I can see her growing.”