Page 47 of Captiva Ever After
“You said that you didn’t want to crash the wedding, but you’re perfectly happy to invite Isabella Barlowe. As much as I want Isabella to come, you better be prepared to spend the night holding her back from jumping onto the dance floor. Something tells me where Isabella Barlowe is concerned, you’ve got to ride the wave or drown.”
“You look awful. Are you sure you’re not coming down with something? You better tell me the truth because the last thing I need is to get sick right before my wedding,” Beth said as she walked into Lauren’s living room.”
“Why does everyone keep asking me that? I’m fine. I’m a little tired but isn’t everyone?”
Beth flopped on the sofa and put her legs up on the coffee table.
“By all means, make yourself comfortable,” Lauren said.
“So, who else said you look sick?” Beth asked.
“Grandma Sarah, that’s who.”
Beth chuckled at that news. “Oh, that shouldn’t surprise you. She thinks we all look sick and have lost too much weight. One time she actually told me I looked fat and I’d just lost fifteen pounds. I think that’s what grandmothers do. They have so much wisdom and life experience that they need to pour it out all over us.”
“Ha! Not our grandmother. At least not our ‘new’ grandmother.”
“Huh? What does that mean?” Beath asked.
Lauren brought Beth up-to-date on Grandma Sarah’s behavior of late. Instead of being mortified, she laughed.
“Oh, that’s priceless. I guess that explains the RSVP though. I saw that she wrote that two would be attending. I wondered who she was bringing to the wedding. Does Mom know about this?”
Lauren shook her head. “Nope, and I’m not telling her either. Mom has too much on her plate right now with getting the inn ready for the weddings. For her sake, I wish she didn’t insist on having this thing on Captiva Island. It’s created such a problem for everyone.”
“Well, destination weddings typically do. Besides, I understood that things were coming along nicely.”
Lauren nodded. “They are. Things are getting back to normal. It’s surprising how quickly everyone moves down there. I assume that’s because they’re used to hurricanes.”
“As far as Grandma goes, I think you need to give up trying to understand what she’s doing and just love her. We all should be thrilled that she’s found the fountain of youth, basically overnight. Be glad that she’s found it at all.”
Lauren nodded. “You’re right. I’m not sure why this has stressed me out so much. If Grandma Sarah is happy, then I should be happy for her.”
“That’s the mother hen in you. You’ve always been like this. You got it from Mom,” Beth teased.
“Very funny.”
Lauren’s cell phone buzzed. “It’s Sarah.”
“Hey, guys. I’m glad you agreed to Facetime because I’m too busy to even get in front of my computer.”
“Cell phones it is then,” Beth said.
“How are things going at the inn?” Lauren asked.
“To be honest, I had no idea they’d move this quickly. Trevor’s father is amazing. He’s brought in all this equipment and when he’s done helping at the inn, he looks to see if anyone else on the island needs his help. He figures since he’s there, he might as well help where he can.”
“Wow, that doesn’t sound like the Devon Hutchins you described to us back when you first met him. Sounds like he’s changed.”
Sarah laughed. “Not completely, but yeah, he’s trying for the sake of family and the grandkids I think.”
“So, listen, I wasn’t sure if you wanted to include Becca in this call. I figured this would be strictly about your wedding, Beth. What do you think?”
“No need to have Becca on here. She’s been working with her bridesmaids and her father on her wedding. I thought it would be good for us to touch base about our responsibilities.”
“Well, Lauren is the maid of honor, you’re a bridesmaid and Willow is the flower girl. I wanted my friend Nicole to\be a bridesmaid too, but I’m not sure she can make it. If she does it will be a last minute kind of thing,” Beth said.