Page 70 of Captiva Ever After
“Oh shush. I never said it like that. Anyway…after Linda realized her mistake…” Maggie glared at Sarah and dared her to interrupt again. “Plus she was devastated about the hurricane and I think pretty scared, she apologized.”
Sarah jumped in again. “And then…?”
Maggie nodded. “And then, when her printers got damaged in the hurricane I encouraged the islanders to chip in and help her restore the machines.”
Now giggling, Sarah added, “And then Linda wanted to repay Mom for all her support and went around the island gathering everyone to come out tonight and have a party in your honor…well, in you and Becca’s honor. Apparently, the grooms don’t matter.”
“This has everything to do with me being the Captiva Christmas Queen, doesn’t it?”
Maggie nodded. “Three years running apparently.”
Becca put the Bride sash on her and looked at Beth. “It’s the least I can do. You don’t have to participate if you don’t want to.”
Just then, Grandma Sarah piped in. “Who doesn’t want to dance in the middle of the street? No one in my family, that’s who!”
Beth laughed and took the other sash from her mother. “Let’s go dance with the islanders.”
Maggie put her arm around her daughter and soon-to-be daughter-in-law. “Thank you , guys, I owe you both.”
Beth looked at her mother and rolled her eyes. “You do realize that most of the people we’re about to party with are middle-aged people wearing Hawaiian shirts holding their mai tais while they dance to Neil Sedaka songs.”
Maggie laughed. “Oh, it won’t be as bad as all that. I’m sure a few of the men will be wearing linen.”
“That sounds like my kind of music,” Grandma Sarah said.
“Have fun you guys. I’ve got to get the kids to bed. Don’t do everything Grandma does, I don’t want to have to bail you all out of jail tomorrow morning.”
“Good night, honey. Give my grandchildren a kiss goodnight from me and Paolo.”
“I don’t think I can keep up with you all either. Plus Jeff and I need to settle in at Chelsea’s. I’ll say goodnight to you all. Have fun.”
“Is it my imagination or are the young ones older than me?” Grandma Sarah asked.
“It’s not your imagination, Grandma. Becca and I would be right with them if we weren’t doing this for Mom.”
As they approached the crowd, Linda St. James, wearing a stunning, ankle-length sundress in a vibrant tropical print, yelled to the crowd, “They’re here!”
Everyone clapped and ran to hug Beth and Becca while Gabriel and Christopher were getting slaps on the back and drinks shoved into their hands.
A night breeze picked up and Maggie wrapped her lightweight pink shawl around her shoulders. Her mother and Winston jumped right into the crowd of people dancing to Jimmy Buffet.
“My mother is incorrigible. Look at her. She’ll be the last person dancing, you just watch.”
“At least she’s having fun. We should join them.”
“I just had a horrible thought,” Chelsea said.
“Oh no, what?”
“Have you considered what will happen when your mother meets Isabella?”
Maggie put her hand to her throat. “Oh heavens, I hadn’t considered that.”
“I can’t wait. It’s going to be wild,” Chelsea said as she started for the middle of the crowd.
Someone in the mix started chanting Chelsea’s name so she got in the center and, with all eyes on her, she danced to the cheers of the crowd.
Paolo stood in front of Maggie and bowed. “May I have this dance Mrs. Moretti?”