Page 3 of Lucky In Love
God she’s magnificent when she is mad. Her face is righteously scrunched up, shrouded in annoyance and indignation at not being in the loop. Her tiny frame is erect, her shoulders thrown back demanding answers from me and all I want to do is give her the most basic one which involves my cock in her pussy. Yeah, I don't think she would be so amenable to that right this second. Let’s try this another way.
“Read this.” I shove an envelope in her face that her grandfather gave me to give to her once we got here. She looks down at it, frowns and looks back up at me. “Baby, just read it. It will explain everything.” Sighing, she walks over to the couch, falls onto it and opens the letter. Trying to keep myself busy because I know that letter is going to instruct her into a room where there are other things for her to look at, I begin making dinner. Luckily, I had to the foresight to come here a week ago and shop for everything we would need for a weeklong shut-in where I can fuck her, spoil her, breed her and love her uninterrupted.
Over the years I learned quite a few things about my love. Such as she loves lasagna but with smaller noodles, more meat and an overflow of cheese. Her garlic bread needs to be cooked but soft and she only likes salad with iceberg lettuce. I set about making her favs, thankful the bakery in town had a German chocolate cake.
Grabbing my phone, I turn on my playlist labeled, Forever and am immediately transported into the smooth sounds of Jodeci. Music always transports me somewhere different, somewhere in my mind where I am at peace and not constantly thinking. Like I have done hundreds of times before I move through the kitchen making dinner, my mind at ease but my stomach in knots wondering what she is thinking. Does she believe it? Will she want it?
Lasagna pulled out of the oven and salad on the table. I am walking toward the door when I hear the bedroom door open, and she walks out. I can’t read anything by the look on her face. It is fucking killing me, but I am going to give her some time. “Are you hungry?” I ask her, putting the plates on the table.
“Everything smells so good.” She looks over at the table and then her eyes get big. “This is all my favorite stuff.” She says, shocked and impressed.
“Of course it is, kitten. What else would I fix for my future wife? Come on. Let’s eat.” I pull out her chair and wait for her to sit before I sit on the other side of her and serve us both. “So, did you read everything?” I know I was going to be patient, but when it comes to her, I don't have much chill.
“Yeah, I read it all. I just… I don’t know how much of it I believe. Do you believe it?” She looks at me with genuine curiosity. I can see the struggle inside of her because she is unsure.
“I know it’s true.”
“How do you know?” Getting up from my chair, I walk around to her side. I grab a box with a lock on it, in the shape of a shamrock and hand her the key.
“Open it.” I tell her sitting back down. She looks at a bit unsure, but she opens it. When she does, I watch her face as she pulls out photo after photo of herself starting from when she was sixteen. I was obsessed from the moment I saw her, my heart in my lungs stifling my breathing, causing my stomach to float with butterflies. She was the most beautiful little thing walking. Her hair would blow behind her, flying through the wind, trailing behind her like a roadmap to where she would be. Yeah, she is my obsession. One I couldn’t touch or talk to until this day.
“What is all this?” she asks, holding up her graduation photo.
“Proof that I knew. Evidence that you have controlled my life for years.”
“But we just met.” She whispers, trying to figure it out.
“I know. But I have loved you for six years.” She looks at me with such incredulity and disbelief.
“How is that possible from some faraway glances?” I can tell by the wonder in her eyes she is beginning to believe it.
“How does the heart know anything, little thief? It just does.” She bites her lip when she is contemplating something and has something to say. “Say, baby. What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”
“I think I might have felt you too?” My heart is beating out of my chest at her admission. Hope rising in my chest so fast it is sucking the oxygen from my lungs. “I have always felt watched and like there was someone keeping me safe. The hairs on my neck would stand up but there would never be anyone there.” My control snaps and I drag her chair to mine. I lift her tiny ass onto my lap and grow when my cock begins twitching against it.
“That was fate, baby. You felt our destiny and now it is time for me to fulfill the other part.” My mouth is so close to hers that when she lips her lips, it brushes against mine.
“And what's that?” She asks, her breathing has picked up because she can feel the energy between us.” I shorten the gap and put my mouth on hers before answering.
“I put my baby in you so you can never leave me.” Her gasp gives me the opening I need, and I take it.
Chapter Five
His mouth is softer than I thought it would be. A man as big and muscular as him, do you think soft lips? No, right. His tongue teases me showing me what to do. I am so lost with his hands on me, and his mouth seducing me, that I don't notice we have moved until he is kissing all over my face, whispering in my ear and I am whimpering. My body doesn’t belong to me. It’s his right now.
“Fuck you look so sexy chasing your orgasm on my zipper.” My body stiffens at his words because that is exactly what I am doing. He chuckles before kissing me lightly. “It’s beautiful to watch sweetness.” I love his voice right now. “Legs down baby.” I look beneath me and see carpet. When I look around, I gasp, so confused about when we entered his bedroom.
I drop my legs from around his waist, wobbling a bit. He reaches out and settles me. “Uhm...” try to think of what to say. His hands move to my shoulders, and I hold my breath as he removes my shirt from my body.
“Don’t think, baby. Just feel.” He says against my lips, kissing me and stealing any argument I have. I mean I should be arguing right? Tradition aside, I don't know him, but it feels like I have known him my whole life. “God look at you,” he says. I feel his fingers touch my chest and I look down, shocked that he removed my shirt already. He is so far in my head already that I am losing time. His kisses are obviously a drug. I mean how do you explain I didn’t feel him undressing me. “Shit. How can a plain white bra be so fucking erotic?” I think it is a question meant for himself, but my body begins to flush under his scrutiny.
His finger traces the contour of my bra, goosebumps breaking out on my skin. I try not to breathe, afraid to inhale his deep rich scent. I mean if his kisses are a drug then his fragrance has to be lethal. “I...” I don’t finish my thought because my pants fall, pooling at my feet. My eyes drift closed but I can feel the appreciation and desire and it makes me preen.
“You what, baby? You have wet, soaked panties that need to be taken off?” I whimper under some sort of spell. “Good girl.” he whispers in my ear before kissing my neck. I feel myself glowing. Why do I want his approval? “Step out of them baby.” Step out of what? I look down and see him kneeling at my feet, urging me to lift my foot and relinquish my panties. I do as he commands with not an inch of hesitation, “Such an obedient little angel.”
He strips me of all of my clothes, his gaze searing my skin as he stands up and circles around me like his latest acquisition. “Oisín.” His name slides off my tongue like the finest silk. It sounds like I have been saying it forever. Who knows. As a person who believes in multiple lives, he could have been my destined mate in another life.