Page 37 of Bait N' Witch
With that, she turned back to the fridge. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d better take stock and then go back into town for groceries.”
Effectively dismissed—a sensation Greyson never encountered, especially with women—he found himself reluctant to leave. “Can I help?”
She didn’t even bother to turn around, keeping her head in the fridge. “No, thanks.”
Rather than push it, he headed back to his office, pausing in the doorway. “You will look…like yourself when they arrive?”
She snorted as she poked her head around the fridge door. “We’ll see, but I’ll make myself scarce anyway. As the nanny, it seems more appropriate. I’ll eat downstairs.”
Like hell. Greyson refused to examine too closely why her assumption sent a sharp wave of knee-jerk protest through him, but everything in him rejected the image of Rowan playing the servant. “No. You’ll eat with us.”
Her mouth tightened, and he waited for the argument. But it didn’t come. “Fine.”
Chapter Fourteen
At five o’clock, a demigod, nymph, and two alpha wolf shifters sat down on the couch and chairs in Greyson’s family room, without a single excuse or call telling him they wouldn’t come. All day he’d been waiting for his phone to ring. But instead, here they sat.
Leia was a petite honey-blonde with sapphire-blue eyes. Nymphs were known for their beauty, and she proved to be no exception. Beside her on the couch sat Castor, looking exactly how Greyson would’ve expected a demigod to appear—suave, arrogant, and just missing pretty thanks to the muscles.
Quite familiar with wolf shifters, as they pervaded these mountains, Tala and Marrok Canis-Banes were prime examples of those paranormal creatures, both tall with inherent grace and power behind every move. Marrok was dark, gray streaking his temples, where Tala was a pale blonde.
As a warlock, attuned to the energy around him, the air practically crackled with the power the foursome before him brought into the house, standing the hairs on the back of his neck on end.
Greyson leaned forward, elbows propped on his knees. “I’m familiar with the whos, whats, and whys. However, I’d like to hear directly from you what went down the day a witch was used by the werewolf Kaios against you.”
Tala, Marrok, and Castor all looked to Leia, who made a face. “I’m afraid this story starts over a millennium ago.”
Quickly, she detailed how she’d humiliated the werewolf, Kaios, and his vendetta against her. How he’d caught up with her at Tala and Marrok’s wedding, and she’d gone against him again when she’d helped the alphas fake a sign from the gods, implying their mating of convenience was blessed. Kaios hadn’t taken that well and attacked first the nymphs, using the warlock Greyson had later killed. Then he’d come for her where she’d set a trap, hidden in a cabin in the woods. That’s where they’d come across Kaios’s witch.
“During the ensuing fight, Castor knocked her out, restoring powers to those she’d turned off,” Leia wrapped up.
“If she was unconscious, how did she get away?” This was the crux of the entire issue.
The four exchanged a glance before Marrok spoke up. “After everything was over, I’m afraid we were all busy with different things. I’m not sure who had the witch or who didn’t. Or how she got away.”
Greyson allowed silence to fall over the room as he took in their words. With a release of breath, he ran his hand over his jaw, his evening stubble scratching at his palms. Not that he wasn’t convinced, but he needed to be sure. “The Syndicate wanted me to use a truth spell on you.”
All four stiffened. “But you didn’t?” Castor asked.
Greyson dropped his hand. “No. But, with your permission, I’d like to cast a spell to review your memories of the event.”
A window behind him slammed open as a gust of wind assailed the house. For the smallest of moments, Greyson would’ve sworn a woman shouted, “No.” A cold chill skittered up his neck, similar to the one he often experienced near the fireplace. However, as he jumped up to close the window, none of the others commented.
“Sorry,” he apologized as he resumed his seat.
The wind could be rough up here. It was nothing to worry about, and there happened to be more important things on which to focus. “Old house. Anyway… Not that I don’t trust you, but seeing your memories will allow me to corroborate your stories. Plus, I might be able to see through your eyes what happened to her, accessing a memory you can’t.”
Another exchange of glances before Leia straightened in her seat. “You can start with me.”
“Thank you.” Most powerful creatures in the world would never allow such an invasion.
Grey moved to sit on the coffee table in front of her and took her hands. “I want you to think of that day, picture it in your mind.”
“Can you see it?”