Page 57 of Bait N' Witch
Forget a slow twisting knife. Guilt lanced through her on a spike of pain, impaling her and stealing her happiness. And the smile fell from her lips. “You shouldn’t.”
Taking the sheets with her, embarrassed about her exposed state now, she sat up. Grey’s eyes darkened as he took in both her verbal and physical rejection. “Rowan?”
She grimaced and rushed through what she had to say. “I talked to Delilah tonight.”
He scooted up in bed, and she had to clench her hands to keep from reaching out to touch the enticing ridges of his stomach. “Oh?”
She licked dry lips. Now that the time had come, she dreaded what she had to do. But she had to. However, the excuses she’d come up with earlier seemed trite now. After what they’d shared, Grey deserved the truth. But telling him at this moment would result in one of two unsavory results. Either he’d turn her over to the Syndicate, or he’d insist on protecting her himself.
No. She’d deal with Kaios’s lover and her shifters, with Delilah’s help, and then she’d admit all. Stick to the plan.
However, she couldn’t tell him the plan naked, because she suspected a hasty exit would be in order. Scooting off the bed, sheet wrapped around her toga style, she gathered her clothes strewn about the room, thanks to her earlier spell, and set about getting dressed. Grey watched in silence, not moving from where he lay on the bed.
Finally, she turned to face him, chin jutted out. “Delilah is going to be sending you a new nanny.” She gave a regretful smile. “A…better one.”
Grey jerked upright, eyebrows drawn down in a scowl. “What are you talking about? You’re perfect for the girls. For m— For our family.”
Rowan shook her head hard, backing up, her hair flying wildly about her face, and she probably resembled a banshee. “Delilah has an urgent need for me with…another family. Something she insists only I can handle.”
Grey moved. Unashamed of his undressed form, he jumped out of the bed and pulled his jeans on, leaving the top unbuttoned. Even now, she itched to shuck them back off his body and tumble them both back into bed.
He moved in front of her and gripped her arms. But he didn’t face her with anger now, only concern. “What could be so urgent a witch with limited magic could fix it? Let me help. Leaving here is not the answer.”
Hounds of hell, this was harder than she’d anticipated. “I gave her my word.”
He gave her a little shake. “You gave me your word. The girls will be devastated.”
Tears pressing against her eyes, Rowan held on to the knowledge that what she was doing was for the girls’ protection. “I’m hoping it’ll be for only a few weeks. Then…we’ll see.” He wouldn’t want to keep her around then anyway.
Grey released her arms, his falling limply to his sides. “So…you’re not leaving forever. Only for a few weeks to help out Delilah.”
If he’d accept that story, then… “Yes.”
He huffed out a laugh, running his hand through his hair. “Sorry about that. I thought you meant—”
She shook her head, hiding her misery. “My fault. I wasn’t clear.”
He bent and retrieved his shirt, pulling it over his head. “When do you leave?”
Rowan swallowed. “In the morning. Early, since I have to drive. My…er…backup should arrive in a few days.”
Breath punching from him, he reached for her, tugging her into his arms to rest his chin on top of her head. Releasing her own pent-up breath, she relaxed into him, soaking in his solid presence, the mark on her arm warming in a comforting way, like a cozy cup of tea by the fire. Only it couldn’t last. When he found out…
Grey’s deep tones rumbled under her cheek. “I would suggest we spend the rest of the night making love, but if you’re driving, you should sleep.”
Disappointment wanted to drown out her common sense. That voice of reason growing more and more faint under the cacophony of her clamoring needs. “Yeah.”
“Stay with me?”
She screwed up her face. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
He held up a hand, oath style. “Just sleep. I swear.”
No way was she denying herself that luxury or the precious memory of sleeping in his arms. “Okay.”
Leaving their clothes on, they lay down, wrapped up in each other.
“Sleep,” he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.