Page 10 of Riv's Sanctuary
She didn’t need to ask if the female in the room wanted her there. It was quite clear.
After all, she didn't want to be there, either, but the woman's husband…male…mate—whatever Geblit wanted to call himself, bought her, so did she really have a choice? No. She had to sit in her box and wait like a good little pet.
It was either the box, roughing it out on an alien landscape, or the mines.
A low mumbling of words reached her ears as said husband tried to reason with his wife. Apparently, he failed to say the right thing because a loud crack was heard as something slammed into the door before it fell to the heap of other thrown things now congregated on the floor. She was glad she wasn't in the room. That object could have easily been her. Wifey was not pleased AT ALL.
"It. Is. Hideous! How dare you buy such a deformed thing?!"
Lauren's mouth fell open as her eyes grew wide. Was the woman referring to hideous? Deformed? The accusation was so shocking, she found herself looking down at her body just to make sure that, after twenty-four years, she hadn't been living in denial—failing to see what she really was.
"I thought you would have liked something that doesn't look as beautiful as you do, my love," Geblit replied and Lauren’s lip curled in annoyance. "You know you shine for my eyes only."
"Well..." the wife's voice became so sultry, Lauren wouldn't have thought that just a second ago, the female had been throwing a fit. "I am beautiful."
"Yes, you are, my sweetest dear."
Plopping down to sit cross-legged in the box, Lauren crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, allowing them to go way back in her head as she mimed the couple’s words silently.
I am beautiful.
You are my love.
Oh, please. Did they hear themselves?
"But I cannot bear to look at the thing, much less have it join our matings. I wanted to add flavor to our beddings…spice! Not remove it by gazing on unattractive things while you pleasure me!"
What the fuck?
Lauren's head snapped in the direction of the closed door as she glared at it.
That's why that skinny little alien had bought her? So she could...could…join him and his wife in bed?
Her stomach heaved at the thought.
No, thank you.
What was with it with these aliens and sex? Goddamn.
Raising her eyes to the ceiling, she uttered a silent prayer.
It's one thing to be degraded like a pet, being carried around in a box and expected to sit there and wait obediently, but to be bought as a sex pet?
"I cannot bear to look at it. It's too…it’s too hideous!" the female within the room continued. “Two eyes! Missing limbs!”
Geblit groaned. "It is my mistake. I did not remember that you don't like beings with missing limbs. I was so focused on getting this rare find."
Something else smashed against the door and fell to the floor.
"Take it away, Geblit!"
"Anything for you, my love."