Page 129 of Riv's Sanctuary
Her words brought him out of his daze and he met her gaze.
There was surprise there and horror mixed with her retreating arousal.
He had to clear his throat and blink away the thoughts clouding his head, very aware that his cock throbbed against his leg. For once, he was wishing she wouldn't break his gaze and look down.
But she did.
At the moment she did, and her eyes widened some more. Her gaze on the outline of his cock in his trousers only made him harder.
"I came to check your hands," he managed to get out, his gaze falling to her arm tucked between her legs.
She seemed flustered, her cheeks were growing pink and her eyes widened even more.
"Um, my hands are okay now. Thank you for the bandages."
Riv grunted and grasped her hand.
He wanted her to protest. He needed her to send him away. He needed her to scream for him to leave.
But she didn’t.
He couldn't move his gaze from her face as her hand slipped from between her legs and the scent of her juices filled the air.
She'd been pleasuring herself.
And phek, it was the hottest thing he had ever seen in his life.
Unashamedly, he wanted to see more.
Would she cry out when she brought herself to a climax?
Would her juices coat her fingers?
His cock jerked in his trousers.
He needed to let go of her.
He should let go.
But did he want to?
He couldn't help himself, and phek him, but she wasn't resisting.
A part of him really, really wished she would.
Maybe if she did, it would break him from this trance.
Instead, her large brown eyes were focused on his as she blinked at him, probably as confused about what was happening as he was.
Lifting her hand, the air grew thick between them as he brought her fingers closer to his face.
Her musk was thick and he’d be lying like a fid on a pole if he didn't want to bring her hand closer to his nose.
Raxu knew he wanted to.